Most Youngsters in US want Israel to be given to Hamas – poll

Israel should be turned over to Hamas and the Palestinian people, a new poll has found.

..from thefreeonline on December 17, 2023 by World News

The Harvard-Harris poll, conducted this week and released on Friday, showed that 51% of young Americans believe the Israeli state should be “ended,” compared with 32% who favor a two-state solution. Just 17% said Arab countries should absorb the Palestinians to resolve the conflict.

Among all age groups, six in ten Americans call for a two-state deal, while only 19% want Israel to be given to the Palestinians.

The survey marked the latest poll showing a dramatic divide between Americans young and old on issues relating to Israel and the Jewish people amid the ongoing war between West Jerusalem and Hamas.

An Economist/YouGov poll released last week found that nearly half of US adults under age 30 either believe the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany is a myth or are not sure that it happened.

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Two-thirds of 18- to 24-year-olds in the Harvard-Harris poll said they agree that “Jews as a class … should be treated as oppressors.”

By contrast, 73% of Americans in all age groups – and 91% of respondents ages 65 and older – disagreed with the anti-Jewish statement. Similarly, half of the youngest respondents said they support Hamas in the war, while 81% of overall participants favor Israel.

Six in ten young adults – but only 37% of overall respondents – believe Israel is committing genocide against the people of Gaza.

Americans are similarly divided on identity politics. For instance, 79% of young adults believe that “white people are oppressors” and that non-white people should therefore be shown favoritism in college admissions and employment, the poll found. Among all age groups, 65% of Americans oppose such anti-white discrimination.

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Just 42% of Americans approve of how US President Joe Biden is handling the Israel-Hamas war, down from 45% in November, the poll showed. Only 32% believe that the country is on the “right track,” and 33% see the nation’s economy as heading in the right direction.

Such perceptions may bode poorly for Biden as he seeks reelection in 2024. The president has a net favorability rating of minus 10%, the poll showed. By comparison, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the highest favorability rating among all political figures listed in the survey, at plus 18%.

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The poll found that if the election were held today, former President Donald Trump would defeat Biden by a margin of 43% to 35%, while Kennedy would garner 17% of the votes.

More than seven in ten Americans believe that a vote for Biden would essentially be a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris because the 81-year-old incumbent wouldn’t likely complete a second term.

Autor: thefreeonline

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Un comentario en “Most Youngsters in US want Israel to be given to Hamas – poll”

  1. Time to make a forced population transfer of Arabs living in E. Jerusalem and Samaria to Gaza. Like the post War Allies removed 14 million Germans from the Czech Republic and Poland after Hitler denounced the “stolen occupied territories”. Time to permanently end the lie: “From the River to the Sea Palestine must be Free” lie.

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