Barcelona: 15 day blockade stops Blackstone eviction of 10 Families

.. »Giant vulture funds are fast becoming our landlords.  But why should  the 1% be allowed to suck our blood forever with impossible mortgages and rents boosted by their disgusting greed? From Berlin to Barcelona and every city we call for rent strikes and occupations. The Raval victory shows that mass resistance and solidarity can WIN»..

Raval neighbors 15 day blockade stops Blackstone eviction of 10 Families

Neighbours in the Raval barrio in Barcelona have held a successful 15 day long resistance campaign from 1st July to block plans by vulture fund Blackstone to evict people by surprise in Carrer Hospital. The blockade was widely supported round the clock  with all kinds of activities, workshops, concerts, etcetera.

Evictions in the Raval neighbourhood are a daily occurance , sometimes up to 5 a day. In recent years anarchist groups have promoted a growing  practical solidarity network  to block evictions and help homeless victims.

Blackstone is the world’s biggest vulture fund. It arrived in Spain in 2013 and by now has over 100,000 ‘assets’, mostly homes evicted due to the criminal  housing policy. For example Blackstone bought 41,000 mortgages for a giveaway price from a bank which had just been ‘bailed out’ with a free gift of 12,000 million of public money.

XVII Festes Alternatives del Raval de l’11 al 14 de juliol a l’Àgora Juan Andrés divendres 12 de juliol de 12 a 14h Putivermú al Carrer […]

The local housing union Sindicat Habitatge Raval@RavalSindicat, held a press conference this morning 15/07/2019 claiming victory after the street was blocked  fore 15 days and the legal eviction time ran out. Though illegal evictions are common it’s unlikely in this case as it would cause a riot.

Blackstone has begun negotiating and now offers 7 of the families rent contracts, which would be a ‘first time ever’ for the vulture fund. It seems that, like in the case of the giant Cerberus fund evicting a community garden , Blackstone is being forced to cancel a publicly resisted eviction, in order to quietly go ahead exploiting its other 100,000 properties.

Blackstone (Anticipa) and 32 smaller funds were invited in by the far right PP with tax free incentives and have always employed mob-like practices such as extortion, blackmail, bribes, rental prices which families can’t afford (pocketing public subsidies), abusive clauses, and selling apartments before rental contracts end in order to promote the expulsion of the tenants.

  In the first three months of 2019 the youth unemployment rate for under 25’s in Catalonia was 30.5%

Over 0ne million people have lost theit homes in the Spanish State since the ‘crisis began.

The avalanche of homeless families are helped, case by case, by volunteers Image result for ocupacion del sede de Anticipa Blackstone en el Pratfrom the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (Platform for People Affected by Mortgages). It’s a Spanish grassroots organization with over 150 local branches that takes direct action to stop evictions and campaigns for housing rights. For example in June 2018 they occupied Anticipa/Blackstone’s headquarters in Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Above video: Mass picket outside apartment o Blackstone’s Barcelona manager Mendiluce . This protest tactic is a huge success. The banner  above reads  »If you come to our houses we will come to yours. Eduard Mendiluce,  Stop the eviction of c/ Hospital 99.»



SEE.. Sindicat de llogaters ..   ALSO: El Raval, en peu de guerra contra l’especulació de Blackstone

MAYDAY is the name of a big new Occupied Social Center, occupied on May 1st 2019 in the central Raval area. The building was squatted twice before as a collectivised student residence. It was extremely destroyed after the 2nd eviction and is still being renovated by the new collective and neighbourhood.

see also  … Road to Revolution: The Barcelona Rent Strike of 1931./




The Squatted Garden and the Vilest Vulture Fund on Earth


Love and Power: The Ballad of Oso Blanco Revisited

..By     Anonymous Contributon   … shared via It’s Going Down

“It’s a long way to Nottinghamshire,
Or to Chiapas, Mexico,
But you can’t tell me that Robin Hood ain’t real
Since the Feds caught up with Oso Blanco!”
– The Martyr Index, by “Oso Blanco”

“I hope to inspire people to have courage beyond their daily understanding. As we truly have endless love and power within.”
– Letter from Oso Blanco, 6/4/2019

by Clayton P

Official sources say that Oso Blanco, to whom the State refers by his birth name, Byron Shane Chubbuck, is responsible for about 20 bank robberies from 1998-1999, all undertaken for the express purpose of aiding the EZLN (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional/Zapatista National Liberation Army) in Chiapas. Oso Blanco himself puts the number of “robberies” at closer to 50.

“The bankers got bailed out. Oso Blanco went to prison.”

There’s a satisfying symmetry—I won’t call it poetic justice—in using money from banks to fund revolutionary struggle. Banks are in the business of burying people’s hopes and of destroying their dreams. But the goals of freedom-fighters like the Zapatistas—and like Oso Blanco himself—are to keep hope alive, to nurture the revolutionary dream of a world free from oppression and exploitation. Continuar leyendo «Love and Power: The Ballad of Oso Blanco Revisited»

Andalusia: Feminists leads the Left in mass Antifascist Demos Tuesday

The left takes the streets against the change of government in Andalusia

Feminist collectives, LGTBI, Podemos, IU and the SAT are  promoting mobilizations in Andalusia before the investiture of a rightwing coalition including the new fascist party Vox, on Tuesday 15th and 16 Jan..

16 de enero: Llamamiento a rodear el Parlamento de Andalucía el día de la investidura

 The news of the despicable Vox in power generated rage on social networks and sparked calls for multiple demonstrations and rallies on the investiture dates, on January 15 and 16 .

Podemos and Izquierda Unida  parties yesterday joined the feminist calls to demonstrate and encouraged their respective militants and supporters to attend the events planned next Tuesday: a concentration at 12.00 in the Andalusian Parliament (Seville) and provincial concentrations at 7:00 p.m. in different points of the Andalusian cities.

Camp and antifascist concentration that took place in Granada after the Andalusian elections. MIGUEL RODRÍGUEZ

The mobilization is driven by a large group of feminist organizations that on Wednesday presented a manifesto for what they consider an «attack» by the party led by Santiago Abascal, with its claim to repeal the Law of Gender Violence.

Support demonstrations and actions have also been called in towns and cities across Iberia.

Map made by Irene Martínez for El Salto

Under the slogans ‘Not a step back in equality’ or ‘Our rights are not negotiated’, posters in purple and blue tones have been distributed quickly through social networks to gather as many people as possible on January 15.

Leaders like Antonio Maíllo, from IU (communist), or Teresa Rodríguez, from Podemos( Left) and candidate from the confluence of both formations, Adelante Andalucía, yesterday supported these initiatives and urged citizens to support  feminist mobilizations.

The LGTBI movement also joins the feminist demonstrations in rejection of the reaction and regression in the conquered rights that they believe the pact between PP and Cs with Vox will bring.

But in addition the Andalusian Union of Workers (SAT) called yesterday a protest called ‘Surround the Parliament’ for the day of the celebration of the full investiture in which the candidate will foreseeably be voted on next January 16 .

In principle, the union has requested authorization for the possible days – the date is still unknown – and aims to surround the Parliament with a human chain, the SAT said in a statement.

This protest will take place from 18:00 hours on the day of the investiture under the slogan ‘Andalusia is not for sale’, with the intention of preventing the change of government with its aim to launch «new attacks» against social rights and democratic institutions and public services, with privatizations and cuts in social policies.

The union indicated that the new government will also mean «a threat to women’s rights and policies of equality and a promotion of sexist violence» and invited other anti-fascist and feminist groups to protest, since theirs will be a «complementary» mobilization » to all the other demos on that day.


Both García and Navascués agree that one of the keys to the rise of the far right is as «very clear reaction to the 8M Womens General Strike.».

A famous quote by Simone de Beauvoir has gone viral in recent days. A phrase from the forerunner of feminism that says: «Do not ever forget that a political, economic or religious crisis will suffice for the rights of women to be questioned again.

These rights are never taken for granted. You must remain vigilant throughout your life. » In this line Dolores García deepens by stating that «any gap that is opened globally, in the political or economic space, will cause a reinforcement of patriarchy» to explain the current situation.

«Patriarchy becomes very angry when feminism takes center stage, not only here, but in Latin America, all over the world,» something that connects García with the economic system because «the neoliberal model needs women to do care of life work, to corner ourselves around the family, bringing up kids».

Police violence at an anti fascist counter demo against a meeting of the new VOX party in Girona, Catalonia.

The new Family Counseling or the anti-abortion plan in the PP-Vox agreement are other measures denounced by the Andalusian feminist movement.


With the same sense of «aggression» to their rights, the Andalusian LGTBI community has joined the mobilizations in the provinces and in the capital. Rafael Gil, president of the association Delta LGBTIQ of the Sierra de Cádiz, calls LGTBI people to second the mobilization.

«They have negotiated with our rights, they have been currency on the table, it seems a shame,» he complains. Gil is firm in the need that «every time the ultra right in our autonomous community touches us, even if only in words, they must have us confronting them, on the street.»

In addition, the historic Grenadian transsexual activist Kim Pérez has announced a hunger strike in protest. «We will not stop being visible in front of this danger to our rights, which we thought was already extinguished, in my case, through a hunger strike, which will represent the anguish that will be renewed now, as long as the new leaders do not declare the will to respect us».


Beyond the 15th, the Andalusian feminist movement is thinking of ways to counteract the messages of the extreme right. In the opinion of Dolores García, one of the keys is «to work much more in the neighborhoods, because sometimes we do not reach those towns where women or the poor are most vulnerable.

We have to get to those spaces to counteract the discourses of fear that lock up women in the house. » On the other hand, Alicia Navascués thinks that it is not enough to protect the conquered laws but to denounce «very dangerous speeches of the Citizens Party that seek the commodification of the woman’s body, such as the legalization of ‘rent bellies’ or of prostitution».

However, both are optimistic. «In the face of such an attack, there is going to be a strengthening, uniting different feelings of feminism,» says Garcia. «From now on we’re going to have a unified, strong feminist movement. We’re going to confront them, and the legislative change for the worse is not going to happen..».

translation by The Free. Info from.. Por Irene Martínez @ireirenuka / Alfonso Torres @alfonsogtorres at Kaos and  El Salto..elsaltodiario

Exposing Patriarchy: The Herd of the Male Murderer

La Manada del Asesino ..
Exposing Violent Patriarchy in Spain

Here we translate one of many posts confronting ingrained patriarchy/  in Spanish society,  published since the first ever hugely successful Women’s Work and Home General Strike in the Spanish State on 8th March 2018, and also relating to the outrage at the release of a group of gang rapists.. the ‘Manada’, and the various waves of feminist social revolution now sweeping the world.

by  Aliss   .. original en castellano HERE/AQUÍ   La manada del asesino

  The Herd of the Male Murderer 

‘In the law courts men are not usually framed in the profile of the abuser .. while women are often presumed to be liars. Women report abuse and lawsuits are filed, but without being investigated. The presumption of innocence is distorted and the legal guarantee is transformed into defenselessness.

Women have recently been conquering levels of equality and freedom (in Spain), but many men are watching us, skulking,  full of resentment, and eager to put us back in the place they think is ours’.

So affirms Amelia Valcárcel: ‘ this contained anger usually exerts itself  through subtle forms of violence, such as verbal, in the media, in relationships with us or when they are away from women in their professional, leisure or social environment’.

‘No More Patriarchal Violence’ .. ‘Abusing one of us they abuse us all’ .. ‘We cry out against our forced destiny’..

Although repressed, the patriarchal law is a hidden code that permeates every pore of our society. The threat of unleashed anger and exemplary punishment is always present.

When one of the members of the ‘herd’ commits a heinous crime the other members of the fraternity come out like vermin in their defense by invoking patriarchal norms.

In Castellón, Spain, a man killed  his two daughters of 4 and 6 years old with a knife to take revenge on his ex-wife. The woman had asked for protection from the Law, but justice did not trust her.

She had requested protective measures in court, but the judge considered that the risk was low and dismissed the measures, noting that both parents were involved in a custody suit and that there were contradictions between the testimony of the man and the woman. .

Today her daughters are dead, the cries of horror of the mother were heard throughout the neighborhood. Continuar leyendo «Exposing Patriarchy: The Herd of the Male Murderer»

Brazil – Support 23 jailed comrades, Victims of Police Repression in Rio

Brazil – ‘Sentenced: the Incorrigibles!’

  • Posted on: 6 August 2019  By: thecollective

After years of persecution 23 victims of police repression in Rio de Janeiro have finally come to trial and been sentenced to long prison terms between 5 and 13 years. Thousands took part in the protests, the 23 are just victims snatched by the police. The only positive thing is that they are freed on bail pending appeals. They will need another strong and lasting solidarity campaign

via act for freedom now!

Comminique:  On the sentences against 23 comrades for alleged participation in the disorders in Rio de Janeiro in 2013-2014

As we oppose anything that violates freedom, today we are opposing the sentences against the 23 arrested following the protests in Río de Janeiro in 2013-2014.‘The freedom of others extends mine infinitely.’ – M. Bakunin

23 people were sentenced in Río de Janeiro in ‘Operation Firewall’ for violence, criminal organization, damage, resistance, bodily harm and possession of explosive devices; sentences range from 5 to 13 years in prison and were issued by judge Flavio Itabaiana of the 27th Penal Tribunal in Rio de Janeiro.

They were all investigated by the Unit for the repression of cyber-crimes, which was the political police engaged in the World Cup and Olympic Games, the same that monitored protests in Porto Alegre and Sao Paulo. Continuar leyendo «Brazil – Support 23 jailed comrades, Victims of Police Repression in Rio»

anarchist Soheil Arabi and his wife Nastaran Naimi Jailed in Iran

Anarchist prisoner Soheil Arabi was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment was sentenced to 1 and a half years
۱۴ تیر اخبار روز

The Revolutionary Court in Tehran, under the direction of Judge Moghiseh, sentenced anarchist prisoner Soheil Arabi to 5 years imprisonment for blasphemy and 1 year for propaganda against the state

His wife, Nastaran Naimi, was also sentenced to 1 and a half years in prison

Soheil Arabi has been tortured in Evin Prison, suffering severe beatings that left him bruised & his nose broken

On June 1, when he was taken to surgery, soldiers beat him in the Khomeini Hospital. Soheil is now under quarantine

Soheil Arabi born August 21, 1985, is an Iranian blogger who was  sentenced to death in Iran in 2014 on charges of insulting the Prophet Mohammad in his postings on Facebook

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) agents arrested Arabi at his home in Tehran in November 2013. He then spent two months in the IRGC’s Ward 2-A in Evin Prison.

During interrogation, he was pressured into confessing his alleged crimes. He was then transferred to Section 350 of Evin, which is under control of the Iranian judiciary.

On 30 August 2014, a five-judge panel of Branch 76 of the Criminal Court of Tehran sentenced Arabi to death for “insulting the Prophet of Islam” in eight Facebook accounts allegedly belonging to Arabiپایگاه خبری تحلیلی عصرآنارشیسم

On 4 September 2014, Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court also sentenced Arabi to three years in prison on charges of “insulting the Supreme Leader” and “propaganda against the state” in his postings on Facebook

In late September 2015, his sentence was commuted to “reading 13 religious books and studying theology for two years.

He was still imprisoned and almost died in 2017 when he did a 55 day hunger strike to protest the arrest of his wife  Nastaran Naimi.
Political Prisoner Soheil Arabi
Now he has been sentenced again, this time to 6 years imprisonment and his wife Nastaran Naimi  to 1 and a half yearsImage result for Anarchist Soheil Arabi and his wife Nastaran Naimi Jailed


آدرس و اسامی صفحات مرتبط با اتحادیه آنارشیستهای ایران و افغانستان

Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran, May 24, 2018

P.S:The possibility of joining new people and groups of anarchists will be permanent

The Union has many social media and other communication channels. You will find them at the bottom of this page

see all here ..



‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig

Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd singer, has displayed a banner in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a concert in Berlin.
‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig (PHOTOS)

The neon red text, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” was projected onto a black backdrop before his concert on Saturday night. Waters, who is known for making radical political statements on stage, is an admirer of Assange and has previously featured images of the whistleblower in his shows.

Assange is unlikely to see the message of support, however. Housed in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since claiming asylum in 2012, the Australian has been banned from using the phone and internet for several weeks. He is also prohibited from having visitors. Continuar leyendo «‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig»

Week of Solidarity Action for Anarchists persecuted in Russia,

The next action solidarity week is/was March 11 to 18th,

Barring accidents voters in Russia will elect Putin again. Just when Turkey is invading and slaughtering people in Afrin, Syria, with Putins personal permission. With just one word ..NYET .. Putin could cancel the Fly Permission as he did before when Turkey shot down a Russian plane, and Erdogan’s invasion would grind to a halt.

Now for gas pipelines and arms deals Russia lets the Turkish Hitler Erdogan indulge in genocide to boost his personal powers. But what a vile bastard is Putin, bathing in mass nationalist adulation, when with just one word he could STOP the massacre of a people and their brilliant revolution.

reposted via  by The next Putin election is on March 18. The Inauguration rite after the reelection will take place in conditions of domestic terrorism and nuclear war threat. Russian security service have started mass repressions against all the dissenters with the regime, exerting unprecedented pressure for every dissident from liberal opposition movements to the anarchists.

Federal Security Service (FSB) conducted a series of arrests and raids on the homes of known anarchists and antifascists in Autumn, 2017.

Six anarchists from Penza were arrested and charged with preparation of a coup d’etat. The only evidence of “preparation” was the fact that all the detainees had played airsoft. During several months the detainees were exposed to everyday tortures, until they pleaded  guilty.

Two anarchists were arrested in Saint Petersburg in January 2018. They also were exposed to the same tortures as Penza anarchists. Officers made them learn the confession and repeat it to the  investigator.

One of the kidnapped anarchists, Victor Filinkov, was taken to a forest where he was tortured. Ilya Kapustin was also arrested and exposed to racks, he did not make a confession, so they nominated him  a “witness”.

Continuar leyendo «Week of Solidarity Action for Anarchists persecuted in Russia,»

Women’s Day Marches attacked by Turkish Fascist Police: 17 Arrested

Turkish police teams on Sunday detained 17 people involved in International Women’s Day celebrations in Ankara and Tekirdağ provinces. International Women’s Day is marked every March 8.

Ten people were detained in front of the Çankaya municipal building in Ankara, while seven were taken into custody in Tekirdağ’s Çorlu Heykel Square after they were subjected to disproportionate force by the police.
Turkish media reports said police took heavy security measures and used pepper spray to disperse the crowds where the celebrations were taking place and that the number of detainees could increase further.

Continuar leyendo «Women’s Day Marches attacked by Turkish Fascist Police: 17 Arrested»