War against the Colour Yellow in Catalonia .. Supreme Court in Fascist Fantasy

The Electoral Board orders the Police to clean local government buildings of of yellow ribbons and pro-independence symbols.  In the Supreme Court, Marchena protects the magical stories of the civil guards by banning the videos of them attacking peaceful voters.  As far right aggressors go free with state and media approval a new neo fascist movement is galvanised into being..It is not clear if the order of the Board also includes all the new symbols – or even more original ones like the banner of Port de la Selva that replaced yellow with blue and «llibertat political prisoners» with «llibertat peixos pacífics» (transforming ‘Free Political Prisoners’ into ‘Free Peaceful Fish’)

It is very likely that all will be banned if we look at the history of the 155 elections, those of 21D 2017, in which the Board banned the color yellow in the lighting of fountains and buildings or the Christmas lights.

The grotesque spectacle of military police entering public buildings and removing banners, posters and ribbons is very likely to repeat itself. The orders come from a body so »independent and impartial» that it includes among its members two of the judges that make up the tribunal of the continuing show Trial of the Catalan Leaders.

the yellow ribbon crossed out by a red line will not be enough

In turn, the President of the Generalitat (limited Catalan parliament) was brought before the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate whether he has committed a crime of disobedience punishable by fines and disqualification from public office.

Are the prosecutors of the rebellion preparing the way for a new episode of Direct Rule from Madrid (Article  155) that ends with the dismissal of another Catalan president? Everything is possible is this Kingdom.

This was the response of the ‘electoral body’ to the decision of Torra and his counsellors to replace the ‘offensive’ yellow ribbons with other posters crossed by a red line -referring to the symbol in defense of the freedom of expression that has also been in one of the windows of the Palau of the Generalitat- or by other yellow icons, such as chickens, sheep and other animals that decorate the door of the Consellería de Agricultura.

Door of the agriculture Ministry with illegal Yellow Animals.

We reach the hilarious but serious prospect of the Catalan President facing dismissal and a charges for allowing the display of a yellow chicken in a public building.

The Spanish National Police have a new ultra right group called Spanish Spring CENEPE (Primavera española del CENEPE) composed of Spanish police officers which proposes to toughen violent police actions and disseminates hate messages and threats. According to El Confidencial, there are 13,062 armed members of this police Facebook group. An approach to Vox’s political positions has also been detected, with the broadcast of messages, videos and slogans of this new ultra right party.  Full text in Spanish at: https://www.lahaine.org/fN2m

Meanwhile in the politically controlled Supreme Court Trial, these same judges, with Marchena in the lead, continue with a farce that cannot stand the slightest test of impartiality. Last week was the turn of various Civil Guard agents drafted into Catalonia.In a surprise move the Court allowed the Office of the Prosecutor, the State Attorney and, incredibly,  the new fascist party Vox , to ask them about their presence in the attempted  repression of the 1-O  Referendum . Independent observers, including Noam Chomsky, have been barred from the Trial.

Despite the fact that the whole world saw the dozens of videos of them beating up thousands of peaceful voters, the police claimed they were the real victims.  The stories of the agents, border on the fantastic. They talk about how they felt a «hatred never seen», an «unusual violence» … and other pearls like that as they hospitalised over 1000 voters.

The Electoral Board of Barcelona has prohibited on Thursday the public media TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio from using the words «political prisoners» or calling Puigdemont «exiled» in their news programmes.

So that the delirium is not so evident, Marchena decided that their stories cannot be contrasted with what actually happened. Directly he prohibited  showing a single video image of the »facts» about which the police declared, which could have  contradicted their every  word.Democracy and Judiciary, Franco style continues on TV. The authoritarian and recentralizing course of the Regime continues deepening since the institutional coup of Direct Rule 155, and in this scenario the script is written side by side by all its agents, from the Crown to the PSOE (»socialists»), including of course by the far right PP, the Cs party and the exciting newcomer on the gravy train, the openly neo-fascist Vox.

some info sourced from http://www.izquierdadiario.es/Guerra-al-amarillo-y-relatos-fantasticos-en-el-Supremo

Morocco: Rif leader Nasser Zefzafi gets 20 years, 53 more protestors jailed

 Mass Protests as Rif leader Nasser Zefzafi sentenced to 20 yearsA court sentenced Nasser Zefzafi and other activists who were involved in organising demonstrations in Al Hoceima.

The leader of a protest movement that shook Morocco’s northern Rif region for months over social and economic issues has been sentenced for 20 years.


A court in Casablanca on Tuesday sentenced 39-year-old Nasser Zefzafi, who was arrested in May last year and later transferred to a prison in the port city.

Zefzafi was involved in organising demonstrations in his hometown of Al Hoceima.

The social unrest in the region followed the death of Mouhcine Fikri, a fishmonger crushed in a rubbish track as he protested against the seizure of swordfish caught out of season.Calls for justice for Fikri, 31, evolved into a grassroots movement demanding jobs and economic development, with Zefzafi, himself unemployed, emerging as the leader of the Hirak el-Shaabi, or Popular Movement, based largely in Al Hoceima.

Zefzafi was charged with undermining public order and threatening national unity.

His arrest in 2017 was ordered after he allegedly interrupted a preacher at a mosque to call for further demonstrations.

Prosecutors had said the arrest was ordered after he «obstructed, in the company of a group of individuals, freedom of worship» at the mosque in Al Hoceima.

Since, smaller protests have become a daily occurrence in the town.

As part of the same verdict, movement leaders Nabil Ahmijeq, Wassim El Boustani and Samir Aghid were also given 20 years in prison, while three others received a 15-year jail sentence.

Meanwhile, seven activists were sentenced to five years in prison and six others were given a 10-year jail sentence.

Seven activists were sentenced to three years in prison, while 12 defendants received a two-year prison sentence. An activist was given a one-year suspended prison sentence.

Image result for los verdes apoyan revuelta en el Rif

In total, 53 people were handed sentences on Tuesday following a nine-month trial.

Speaking to Reuters News Agency by phone, the activists’ lawyer Bouchra Rouis said the sentences were «unfair», adding that there will be an appeal against the ruling after a discussion with the defendants.

The mainly ethnically Berber Rif region has long had a tense relationship with Morocco’s central authorities and was at the heart of Arab Spring-inspired protests in 2011.

Image result for Nasser Zefzafi

The main protests subsided following a series of political reforms, including constitutional changes that saw King Mohamed VI give up some of his wide-ranging powers.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

Moroccan protest leader’s 20-year sentence sets off marches – AP News 2 days ago – TANGIERS, Morocco (AP) — Hundreds of protesters marched in Morocco’s … Hirak Rif leader Nasser Zefzafi and the three activists were …

Morocco: Guilty verdicts returned in unfair Hirak trials must be overturned 2 days ago – Protest leaders Nasser Zefzafi and Nabil Ahamjik were last night … along with two other protesters, in connection with protests in the Rif region …

Solidarity with the Rebellion in the RIF by the CNT

CNT in solidarity with the protests in the RIF

Source – National Confederation of Labor

For months, there have been protests in Alhucemas and other Rif cities in northern Morocco against the unjust treatment that the Moroccan state has given the population for decades. The corruption of the Moroccan state, the lack of public infrastructures in the region, the attack on the Rif  culture and language , the precarious conditions of life and the absence of freedom and autonomy to express themselves as a people.

Protests have increased as a result of the arrest of dozens of activists of the Popular Movement of Alhucemas, which raises the social and political demands of the Rif people through the peaceful mobilizations that are developing, and where women are increasingly prominent.

On Wednesday, June 28, eight months after the start of the Hirak, the peaceful protest movement following the death of Mouhcine Fikri, a 31-year-old street vendor, crushed by a garbage truck at AlhucemasImage result for los verdes apoyan revuelta en el Rif

In recent days, mobilizations have spread outside the Rif, with massive demonstrations in Rabat, tens of thousands of people. To all this are joined the acts of solidarity that have taken place in various European cities, in support of the protests in the Rif.

We know that, at present, there are at least 200 detainees, who have been transferred mostly to Rabat, although these figures are provisional, because their numbers are constantly increasing.

 La fiesta del aïd en Alhucemas 27/06/2017 عيد الفطر في الحسيمة

Several prisoners, including Nasser Zafzafi, Mohamed Jelloul and Mohamed Mejjaoui, and several dams, such as Silya Ziani, and many others, have begun a hunger strike in protest of the arrests. These are totally arbitrary and are directed against peaceful activists and demonstrators, just because they are socially and politically annoying because of their just demands.

Image result for migrants die on way to Spain from Morocco july 2017July 2017..Almost 50 refugees feared drowned in the Mediterranean | Spain …  Sixty migrants have died trying to cross the waters to Spain from Morocco …The rubber boat was believed to have left Morocco with 52 people aboard. The migrants now also include refugees from the Rif rebellion.  … Rescue workers were searching for survivors in the water  …

Ill-treatment of detainees is the norm and there are numerous cases of torture. The Moroccan army has strengthened its presence in Alhucemas and treats the population as if it were in an occupied  military zone.

The Moroccan public television tries to discredit the protests by means of the most rough manipulations. The Moroccan National Press Union (SNPM) has denounced them and demanded the release of detained journalists, such as Mohamed El Asrihi de Rif 24, Jaouad Al Sabry photographer of Araghi TV, Abdelali Haddou of Rifpress, Houssein El Idrissi of Awar TV , Fouad Assaidi …Image result for beautiful Rif mountains

With these names, only a few of the 200 people arrested so far, we do not intend to prioritize some cases in front of others, but to put names and surnames to the prisoners, to support their relatives, companions and companions and to demand the:


We must remember that, unfortunately, this situation is not unique. Just one night before the great demonstration in Rabat, the Moroccan police and army brutally repressed in El Aiun a call in support of Saharawi political prisoners and to claim the right of self-determination.

It is no coincidence that in the Rif, as happened in Western Sahara, the Moroccan army has bombarded the civilian population with napalm, in the recent past. That’s why we also demand the:


The -majcen-, (the circle of oligarchs that surrounds the crown of Morocco) claim that the protests are organized from abroad. At the same time, the king receives Macrón. But in reality it is the majcen which encourages the protests with its injustice, the one that eats from the hand of the French imperialism, the one that receives military aid from the state of Israel to oppress the Saharawis or the one that is supported by the corrupting and oppressive monarchy, a friend of Trump and the Saudis.Image result for revuelta en el Rif
Likewise, the repression and lack of rights in the Rif are no obstacle to the Spanish government continuing to support the Moroccan regime, as have not been the decades of international breaches and non-compliance in the Sahara. In fact, the Spanish government has been one of the main allies of the Moroccan monarchy since the time of Hassan II.

The History … Mustard Gas and Napalm

The historical marginalization of the Rif seemed to come to an end with the coming to the throne of the then young and promising Mohammed VI in 1999 after the death of Hassan II, who as crown prince had taken over the repression of the riots of 1958-1959, even ordering The bombing with napalm of the rebels ( see the documentary’Romper el silencio’, by Tarek Idrissi, if you want to delve into this cruel episode)

Not in vain, the north of Morocco has become a space of delocalisation of many Spanish companies, that have transferred to this zone their production, to take advantage of the low wages and the lack of union rights.

Similarly, the Moroccan government plays a key role in monitoring the southern European border and in the control of cross-strait immigration, as a gendarme serving the European Union, with constant abuses and violations of human rights. of its own population and migrants from other countries.

A government such as Spain, at the service of the elites who benefit from this situation, can only be complicit in the policies of the Moroccan government, in a general and shared context of freedom cuts and rights retreat.

For this reason, solidarity and the joint struggle with the workers of North Africa and the Rif in particular are fundamental for the improvement of the conditions of life of the working class.

One of the hallmarks of CNT is its internationalist commitment. At the beginning of the last century, CNT strongly opposed, among protests and strikes, the recruitment of workers and the war in the Rif.

Consequently, from CNT we support the just demands of the people, we declare our full support and solidarity to their mobilizations and to the demands of the Popular Movement Rifeño, which are the following:

– Immediate release of detainees for political reasons.

– Demilitarization of the Rif and free exercise of the rights of manifestation, assembly and freedom of expression.

“We do not have any factory, we do not have an oncology hospital, despite having the highest cancer rate in all of Morocco, because of the use of chemical weapons made by Spain [A study in 2015 showed that almost 80% of adults and 50 % Of cancer-infants treated at the oncology hospital in Rabat came from the Rif area where Spanish aviation bombarded with mustard gas between 1924 and 1927].

-Construction and equipment of hospitals, universities and schools. Right to quality and free public health and education.

– Social measures of distribution of the wealth that allow the end of the misery. Right to a decent home and life.

– End of the corruption and mafia structure that governs the Maghreb.

-Respect to the culture and language rifeña.

-Liberty and trade union freedom.Image result for beautiful Rif mountains

CNT has always been committed to building a world without borders, where people do not have to leave their land because of political persecution or lack of work and social rights, which belong to everyone.

That is why we encourage everyone to give the maximum possible support to the companions of the RIF, supporting solidarity committees and attending all the demonstrations and rallies held for this cause.

 Rif – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Rif (in Amazigh, Arrif and in Arabic, الريف [Ar-Rīf]) is a region with mountainous zones and green areas of the north of Morocco

original en castellano

CNT en solidaridad con las protestas en el RIF – CNT

Fuente – CNT en solidaridad con las protestas en el RIF | Confederación Nacional del Trabajo 28.6.2017

Desde hace meses se vienen produciendo protestas en Alhucemas y otras ciudades del Rif, en el norte de Marruecos, contra el trato injusto que, desde hace décadas, da el Estado marroquí a la población rifeña. A este motivo se unen la corrupción del estado marroquí, la falta de infraestructuras públicas en la región, el ataque a la cultura y la lengua rifeñas, las condiciones precarias de vida y la ausencia de libertad y autonomía para expresarse como pueblo.

Las protestas se han acrecentado como consecuencia de la detención de decenas de activistas del Movimiento Popular de Alhucemas, que plantea las demandas sociales y políticas del pueblo rifeño a través de las movilizaciones pacíficas que se están desarrollando, y dónde las mujeres tienen cada vez más protagonismo, como impulsoras.

El miércoles 28 de junio se cumplieron ocho meses del inicio del Hirak, el movimiento pacífico de protestas surgido tras la muerte de Mouhcine Fikri, un vendedor ambulante de 31 años, triturado por un camión de la basura en Alhucemas

En los últimos dias, las movilizaciones se han extendido fuera del Rif, con manifestaciones masivas en Rabat, de decenas de miles de personas. A todo esto se unen los actos de solidaridad que se han dado en diversas ciudades europeas, en apoyo a las protestas en el Rif.

Sabemos que, a día de hoy, hay al menos 200 detenidos, que han sido trasladados en su mayor parte a Rabat, si bien estas cifras son provisionales, porque su número aumenta constantemente. Varios presos, como Nasser Zafzafi, Mohamed Jelloul y Mohamed Mejjaoui, y varias presas, como Silya Ziani, y muchas personas más, han iniciado una huelga de hambre en protesta por las detenciones.

Estas son totalmente arbitrarias y se dirigen contra activistas y manifestantes pacíficos, solo porque son molestos social y políticamente a causa de sus justas reivindicaciones.

Los malos tratos contra los detenidos son la norma y existen númerosos casos de tortura. El ejercito marroquí ha reforzado su presencia en Alhucemas y trata a la población como si estuviese en una zona militar ocupada.

La prensa ha sido amordazada y la televisión pública marroquí intenta desacreditar las protestas por medio de las más burdas manipulaciones. El Sindicato Nacional de Prensa de Marruecos (SNPM) las ha denunciado y ha exigido la libertad de los periodistas detenidos, como Mohamed El Asrihi de Rif 24, Jaouad Al Sabry fotógrafo de Araghi TV, Abdelali Haddou de Rifpress, Houssein El Idrissi de Awar TV, Fouad Assaidi… Con estos nombres, apenas unos pocos de las 200 personas detenidas hasta ahora, no pretendemos priorizar unos casos frente a otros, sino poner nombres y apellidos a las personas encarceladas, apoyar a sus familiares, compañeros y compañeras y exigir la:


Debemos recordar que, desgraciadamente, esta situación no es única. Apenas una noche antes de la gran manifestación de Rabat, la policía y el ejercito marroquíes reprimían brutalmente en El Aiun una convocatoria en apoyo a los presos políticos saharauis y para reclamar del derecho de autodeterminación.

No es casualidad que en el Rif, al igual que ocurrió en el Sáhara Occidental, el ejercito marroquí haya bombardeado a la población civil con napalm, en un pasado aún reciente. Por eso también, exigimos la:


Dice el majcén (el círculo de oligarcas que rodea la corona de Marruecos) que las protestas están organizadas desde el extranjero. Al mismo tiempo, el rey recibe a Macrón. Pero en realidad es el majcén el que alienta las protestas con su injusticia, el que come de la mano del imperialismo francés, el que recibe ayuda militar del estado de Israel para oprimir a los saharauis o el que está apoyado por la corrupta y opresora monarquía saudí, amiga de Trump.

De la misma forma, la represión y la falta de derechos en el Rif no son obstáculo para que el gobierno español continúe apoyando al régimen marroquí, como no lo han sido hasta ahora las décadas de vulneraciones e incumplimientos internacionales en el Sáhara. De hecho, el gobierno español es uno de los principales aliados de la monarquía marroquí, desde tiempos de Hassán II.

La Historia… Gas mostaza y napalm

La marginación histórica del Rif pareció llegar a su fin con la llegada al trono del entonces joven y prometedor Mohammed VI en 1999, tras la muerte de Hassan II, quien como príncipe heredero había asumido la represión de las revueltas de 1958-1959, ordenando incluso el bombardeo con napalm de los rebeldes (Una recomendación: vean el documental Romper el silencio, de Tarek Idrissi, si quieren profundizar en esta cruel episodio)

No en balde, el norte de Marruecos se ha convertido en un espacio de deslocalización de muchas empresas españolas, que han trasladado a esta zona su producción, para aprovecharse de los bajos salarios y la falta de derechos sindicales. De la misma forma, el gobierno de Marruecos juega un papel fundamental en la vigilancia de la frontera sur europea y en el control de la inmigración a través del Estrecho, como gendarme al servicio de Europa, con constantes abusos y vulneraciones de los derechos humanos de su propia población y de los y las migrantes de otros paises.

Un gobierno como el español, al servicio de las élites que se benefician de esta situación, no puede ser sino cómplice de la políticas del gobierno marroquí, en un contexto general y compartido de recorte de libertades y retroceso de derechos.

Por ello, la solidaridad y la lucha conjunta con los trabajadores y trabajadoras del norte de África y del Rif en particular, son fundamentales para la mejora de las condiciones de vida de la clase trabajadora.

Una de las señas de identidad de CNT es su compromiso internacionalista.Ya a principios del siglo pasado, CNT se opuso firmemente, entre protestas y huelgas, al reclutamiento de trabajadores y a la guerra en el Rif. Consecuentemente, desde CNT apoyamos las justas reivindicaciones del pueblo rifeño, declaramos nuestro total apoyo y solidaridad a sus movilizaciones y a las reivindicaciones del Movimiento Popular Rifeño, que son las siguientes:

-Liberación inmediata de los detenidos por razones políticas.

-Desmilitarización del Rif y libre ejercicio de los derechos de manifestación, reunión y libertad de expresión.

“No tenemos ninguna fábrica, no tenemos hospital oncológico, a pesar de tener la mayor tasa de cáncer de todo Marruecos, por el uso de armas químicas que hizo España [Un estudio de 2015 mostraba que casi el 80% de los adultos y el 50% de los niños enfermos de cáncer atendidos en el hospital de oncología de Rabat procedían de la zona del Rif donde la aviación española bombardeó con gas mostaza entre 1924 y 1927 ].

-Construcción y equipamiento de hospitales,universidades y escuelas. Derecho a una sanidad y educación públicas de calidad y gratuitas.

-Medidas sociales de reparto de la riqueza que permitan el fin de la miseria. Derecho a una vivienda y una vida dignas.

-Fin de la corrupción y del entramado mafioso que gobierna el Magreb.

-Respeto a la cultura y lengua rifeña.

-Libertad política y sindical.

Rif – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre  El  Rif (en amazigh, Arrif y en árabe, الريف [Ar-Rīf]) es una región con zonas montañosas y zonas verdes del norte de Marruecos

CNT ha apostado siempre por construir un mundo sin fronteras, en el que las personas no tengan que abandonar su tierra por la persecución política o la falta de trabajo y derechos sociales, que son de tod@s.

Por eso animamos a tod@s a dar el máximo apoyo posible a los compañeros y las compañeras del RIF, apoyando a los comites de solidaridad y asistiendo a todas las manifestaciones y concentraciones que se realicen por esta causa.

CNT-Córdoba Secretaría de Exteriores – Comité Confederal
El hirak o la revuelta en el Rif: tras las huellas de Abd-El-Krim – Viento Sur 14.6.2017


El documental Romper el silencio, de Tarek Idrissi,

‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig

Roger Waters, the former Pink Floyd singer, has displayed a banner in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a concert in Berlin.
‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig (PHOTOS)

The neon red text, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” was projected onto a black backdrop before his concert on Saturday night. Waters, who is known for making radical political statements on stage, is an admirer of Assange and has previously featured images of the whistleblower in his shows.

Assange is unlikely to see the message of support, however. Housed in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since claiming asylum in 2012, the Australian has been banned from using the phone and internet for several weeks. He is also prohibited from having visitors. Continuar leyendo «‘Wish You Were Here’: Roger Waters displays pro-Assange message at Berlin gig»


Journalist Naciye Nur Ener Kılınç, who was released from jail on Tuesday and put under house arrest, said there are six children in the prison cell to which she was confined for 357 days.

“I am free, but there is a 30-day-old infant behind those doors. There are six children in my prison cell. I pray they will be freed soon,” Kılınç said after her release.

see also> Erdogan Jails and Tortures 195,000 People who Might not Like Him.

In the aftermath of a failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, more than 17,000 women from all walks of life including teachers, doctors and housewives have been jailed in Turkey on coup charges in government-led operations. There are currently about 700 children accompanying their mothers in Turkish jails.

Corrupt terrorist Erdoğan has systematically been imprisoning and torturing innocent women on false coup charges either when they are pregnant or shortly after giving birth!  Newborns are also imprisoned

The İstanbul 26th High Criminal Court on Tuesday released journalist Kılınç, who was jailed on March 5, 2017 over alleged links to the Gülen movement, on condition of house arrest. Continuar leyendo «JOURNALIST: I AM FREED BUT THERE ARE 6 CHILDREN IN MY OLD TURKISH PRISON CELL»

Local Activist on Iran protests: Bread. Jobs. Freedom.

Protest in Zanjan, December 30 2017

https://libcom.org/news/     We are publishing this dispatch direct from an activist in Iran, trying to make some sense of the current wave of protests. The situation is moving so quickly, and the protests sufficiently diffuse, that anyone claiming to know what will happen can be disregarded. The contribution we can make is to ask questions, to look at what has happened, is happening; and only from that speculate about what might happen in the future. We hope that more will contribute to this effort in the coming days and weeks.

We have lightly edited this piece for translation issues and to add footnotes.

From Armin Sadeghi, January 4th 2018.

Are we waging a revolution in Iran? Perhaps not. But if we perceive the essence of a revolution as “the abolition of fear”, then everyone has heard (and seen) the Iranian people shouting with no fear that “the emperor has no clothes”.It is hard to anticipate beyond this, since the conflicting social forces have not yet fully unfolded; and it is almost impossible to grasp a revolution as it’s being made. But, we can speculate on the situation, just as Marx wrote to Ruge1: «The internal difficulties seem to be almost greater than the external obstacles. Continuar leyendo «Local Activist on Iran protests: Bread. Jobs. Freedom.»

New Catalan Strike for Prisoners and Republic amid Far-right Repression

Update Update Update The General Strike in Catalunya called for Wed 8th Nov by small Intersindical-CSC trade union has been supported by the USTEC education union and the main Republican civil groups, Òmnium and ANC .

The strike is to protest the jailing of protest leaders and Government ministers, the occupation of paramilitary security forces, the imposition of Direct Rule, etc

However the majority CCOO (ex comminist) and UGT (ex socialist) trade unions again came out against it and the anarchist  CGT made a statement in favour but left it to their members to decide individually, arguing they haven’t time to consult them. 

All schools and Universities and public offices will certainly close down as well as cities like Girona and LLeida which have a native Catalan majority.

But the bosses organisation Foment de Treball have taken a High Court case to declare the General Strike Illegal.

The neo-fascists in Madrid have been hiring fleets of coaches and even trains to bring in thousands of violent right wing ‘demonstrators’, as seen at last weekend’s huge demo openly led by thugs sporting swastikas, zieg heils and Francoist symbols.

The insidious campaign is to split Catalan society down the middle. over 40% of the population are workers from Spain, most are well integrated over generations with families who consider themselves Catalan. Mixed marriages are common and normal with the 2 languages coexisting perfectly in their homes. Tension between the communities has been minimal (as in ex Yugoslavia before politicians whipped up xenophobia for personal power).

The anarchists too are divided, actively calling and sup`porting the 3rd Oct General Strike from an anti nationalist workers standpoint, but reluctant to continue if a nationalist civil conflict in Catalunya is provoked.

The Spanish nationalist media these days has become a torrent of anti Catalan hatred and outright lies. With an explosion of racist attacks the General Strike on Wednesday and the ‘Mega Demo’ on Sat 11th could finally break the self imposed pacifist stance of the Catalan republicans, which is what the State needs to justify mass criminalization of the majority democratic movement.

                we include below a translation of a key text                

A triumph of popular mobilization

by LLuita Internationalista  on Barcelona Indymedia    The proclamation of the Catalan Republic is the expression of the will of the people of Catalonia to break with the Monarchy. It is the result of a permanent and massive popular mobilization (demos of over a million for 5 years) , which, until  now, has forced the governments of the Generalitat Catalan Govt to apply the popular mandate. The regime of the transition, which Franco left «tied up and well tied up « (by his legacy) is in its most serious crisis, cracked and may not survive. Continuar leyendo «New Catalan Strike for Prisoners and Republic amid Far-right Repression»

Total Disobedience when Spanish State Takes over Catalonia + CNT Statement

  CNT and CGT Statements Below

shared from Dear Kitty. Some blog
»A Nation-state is always divisive and repressive, but as the only possibility for more freedom and justice, then of course we support these aspirations and endeavours».

  Spain annuls Catalan self-government, prepares military rule from Madrid

By Alex Lantier: Three weeks after the savage police crackdown on the October 1 Catalan independence referendum, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced the invocation of Article 155 to strip Catalonia’s regional government of its powers. In its place, Madrid is to install an unelected government in Barcelona backed by the Spanish army, Guardia Civil paramilitary police and other police units.

The implementation of Article 155 will inevitably involve the Spanish regime in a violent confrontation with broad masses of the Catalan population, where there is deep opposition to Madrid’s turn to dictatorship. gravesAs Rajoy’s Council of Ministers formulated the measures on Saturday, a half million people marched in Barcelona against Madrid’s arbitrary arrest of two Catalan nationalist politicians, Jordi Sànchez of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Jordi Cuixart of Omnium Cultural.

Catalan separatists are mobilizing a human shield  and a Civil Disobedience Campaign to block efforts by the Spanish authorities to take control . Tens of thousands plan to concentrate around the regional government’s headquarters in Barcelona’s Gothic quarter and the nearby parliament building. They expect Spanish police to use force to try to shut down the administration and will put their bodies on the line, said one person. Continuar leyendo «Total Disobedience when Spanish State Takes over Catalonia + CNT Statement»

Catalan Referendum Wins. 90% YES despite Spanish Police attacks. 844 injured by 8pm


FINAL RESULT valid votes> 90% YES for a Republic with 2.020.144 votes.        45.586 voted NO with 20.129 voting blank        400 of the 2315 voting stations were closed, 93 of them by the Spanish police.       General Strike Tuesday.       844 casualties.      Independence to be Declaredlate news: Early results predict at least 80% want Independence which will be declared unilaterally as promised. At least 2 million may have voted despite everything. General Strike called for Tues.


The number of registered injured by the Spanish police has now risen to 844 people at 10.30pm (GMT + 1)

 late news: A platform which includes the majority ‘socialist’ UGT and ‘communist’ CCOO trade unions plus the ANC and Omnium have now backed the  General Strike Tuesday 3rd, called by the anarchist CGT.  see also:

  • Julian Assange The images Madrid feared emerged from its assault on Catalonia’s polling stations; Voters chant «I will vote!» («votarem»)


    Franco’s military police let loose on peaceful voters in Barcelona


    Voting continues peacefully in the vast majority of polling stations where the police have not yet arrived due to the massive turnout. Where they have shown up extreme violence has been used against passive resistance and banned plastic bullets have been fired

    Over 1130 polling stations were already occupied  at 6.00am (not 163 as  reported by the BBC)Escola Univers de Gràcia amb centenars de persones. Foto: Martí Urgell

80 vanloads of  Franco’s paramilitary Guardia Civil  emerged from their HQ in the docks and charged against  a total of 93 polling stations by 5.00pm according to their own figures,( but there are 2315 stations ) ´.

The Spanish police had injured over 350 people by 2pm,  including small children and old folks. But voting was going ahead normally in over 1000 other stations. BY 8-00PM WHEN THE POLLS CLOSED THE FIGURE HAD RISEN TO 761 INJURED, 12 OF THEM POLICE.. *Dept of Health.

A man is being operated on for a plastic bullet in the eye, though they are legally banned in Catalonia.

Another appeared dead but was successfully reanimated. A woman volunteer had her fingers broken on her left hand, one by one, and her clothes torn open. etc. etc.

A fascist march is continuing around Barcelona, attacking people and destroying equipment, escorted by  Franco’s  Guardia Civil military police..

Barca football club cancelled their match against Las Palmas but the League refused so it was played behind closed doors.  They won 3-0.

In some cases the riot police were successfully resisted and in others the ballot boxes could nor be found during the police raids. see video

The Spanish leaders have made statements praising the police actions and the Spanish media is showing a highly censored version of events.

The Spanish Guardia Civil are unreformed from the Franco Dictatorship and the disgraceful PP govt has survived multiple scandals in the last 5 years getting support by the fascist tactic of whipping up anti Catalan hysteria. Many Spanish now believe Catalans need to be severely repressed.


Thousands of people  had gathered in the rain from 5.00 am to protect the referendum schools.

Voting boxes and papers were smuggled in without problems.

It has been announced that when polling stations are closed down you can now vote in any other, checking your ID number.

A last survey endorsed by Julian Assange predicted an 83% vote of Yes for independence.

Police have invaded and occupied the Catalan Government communications center where counting of votes might take place.

No significant attacks on Saturday night by anti referendum forces. Their final demo attracted 5,000 in Barcelona, receiving similar media coverage to the over 1 million strong pro independence demos. Continuar leyendo «Catalan Referendum Wins. 90% YES despite Spanish Police attacks. 844 injured by 8pm»

Catalans Occupying 2315 Polling Stations./ No evictions Yet / Google Deletes Voting App

update: Catalans are Winning?! Hundreds of polling stations occupied overnight, none have yet been forcibly evicted

The ‘Open Schools’ (Escoles Obertes) platform of 40 organisations has called for mass occupation of the 2315 polling stations from 17hrs today. Over 60,000 people have already signed up to take part.

The Madrid state has ordered police forces to take over and cordon off the stations  from Saturday.. But the Catalan police who should act first are obeying the orders of their director Trapero, who has avoided jail by agreeing to the Madrid orders  but forbidding use of physical force by his Catalan police..

Not entirely peaceful. 4 young people were ‘lightly injured’ by shotgun pellets. When ‘ultras’ opened fire on an occupied school polling station in the town of Manlleu.

When the Madrid order was formalised legally a clause was added that ‘activities in the colleges could continue until the Referendum , until 6.00 am Sunday’. This was the clue, allowing the Catalan police to not evict the polling stations now occupied en masse with marathon 48 hour social activities of every description.

Catalonia: Anarchists call for general Strike / Defense Committees against State Repressionsee also..Catalonia: Anarchists call for general Strike / Defense Committees against State Repression

Schools are already being occupied and organizing a host of autumn activities to fill the centers where the polling stations are located by day and night.

20.00 Five schools have now been blockaded by the police. In one of them Collaso i Gil in the Barcelona Raval barrio 20 students evaded the police cordon and are camping in the yard. twitter here..@btvnoticies pic.twitter.com/90vHapT0HU

Continuar leyendo «Catalans Occupying 2315 Polling Stations./ No evictions Yet / Google Deletes Voting App»