UK threatens Yemen with Bombing to Defend its lucrative support for Palestinian Genocide

from thefreeonline on 11th Jan 2024 viaHomeWorld News

The defence secretary tells reporters he will not “allow” the situation in the Red Sea to continue

Britain is poised to start bombing in response to attacks on Israeli linked Red Sea shipping by Yemen’s Houthis, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps warned during a press conference on Wednesday.

The brave and selfless Houthi policy is severely blocking war supplies for the wanton daily massacres of many thousands of Palestinian civilians, and damaging profits of US and UK arms companies.

Speaking hours after a British destroyer shot down a swarm of Houthi drones and missiles over the busy shipping lane, Shapps declared: “This cannot continue and we won’t allow it to continue.

UK threatens Yemen with bombing

We cannot have a situation where a major sea route, a major ability to move goods around the world, is being cut off by terrorists and thugs, and we therefore must act,” he continued.

The UK and US war industry has made tens of billions of dollars in arms sales to Saudi Arabia to kill hundreds of thousands of Yemenis in a failed 8 year war to crush the Houthi (Ansar Allah) resistance to the Saudi invasion and appointed colonial President


Yemen’s Ansarallah blocks Israel for Gaza- is no longer a victim after 377,000 deaths in US backed war – The Free

The UK alongside allies have previously made clear that these illegal attacks are completely unacceptable and if continued the Houthis will bear the consequences,” Shapps warned in a statement released alongside the press briefing. 

UK becoming terrorist colonial warmonger

The defence secretary insisted that the Houthis were not acting alone. “Iran is guiding what is happening there in the Red Sea, providing them not just with the equipment to carry out those attacks but also often with the eyes and ears to allow those attacks to happen,” he claimed.

British destroyer HMS Diamond shot down seven of the drones in Tuesday night’s attack, according to Shapps, while three US destroyers and F-18/A planes also took down some of the projectiles.

1 hr ago- Six Palestinians killed as Israeli jets bomb ambulance in Gaza

The Houthi onslaught was described as the most complex yet to be launched since the Yemeni group began targeting the Red Sea’s busy shipping lanes in response to Israel’s deadly bombardment of Gaza.

A spokesman for the Houthi Ansar Allah movement said the attacks would continue “until the siege of Gaza is lifted,” explaining that Tuesday’s strike had targeted “an American ship that was providing support [to Israel]” as a “preliminary response to the treacherous attack on our naval forces by the American enemy.” 

ViewYemen’s Houthis vow to stop Israeli Genocide – defy USA, part blocking Suez Canal as Oil costs Soar – The Free

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Wednesday, demanding an immediate halt to Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea, denouncing the strikes as an impediment to global commerce and freedom of navigation.

The resolution was passed a week after the UK, US and ten other countries issued an ultimatum designed as a “final warning” to the Houthis, insisting they stop their “profoundly destabilizing” attacks or “bear the responsibility of the consequences.” 

Since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in October, the Houthis have reportedly launched at least 26 attacks in the Red Sea.

ViewIsraeli connected Cargo Ship In Red Sea Catches Fire After new Attack From Yemen blocking Genocide supplies – The Free

While 12% of global trade previously passed through the waterway, including 30% of global container traffic, several of the world’s largest shipping companies have abandoned the direct route out of safety concerns, plotting lengthier and costlier courses around the Cape of Good Hope.

Last month, the UK Treasury warned the disruption to shipping could shrink the country’s economy by 0.3%, an estimate which has since grown. 

Yemen’s Ansarallah to boycott US, Israeli goods-The Sanaa government has also decided to ban all US-made goods and those produced by international companies that support Israel’s occupation of Palestine.  .

ViewYemeni naval forces seize Israeli-linked vessel – The Free

Washington Sees Conflict With Iran as Scapegoat for Its Genocidal Crimes

Finian Cunningham – Arsonist Washington is shouting ‘Fire’ in a region it is blowing up. How absurd!

The U.S. is insanely militarizing the region adding more fuel to the inferno. The deployment of naval forces in the Red Sea to counter Yemen’s blockade of Israeli shipping is just part of the broader militarization in support of Israel. There’s no need for a naval flotilla if a ceasefire were implemented.

Washington is trying to make out that Iran and its regional allies Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iraq, as well as the Houthis in Yemen and the Syrian state led by Assad, are the enemy of peace in the region. It is an audacious move.

This week the New York Times resurrected fears of Iran being close to building a nuclear bomb. It claimed that Tehran was only “weeks” from converting enriched uranium into three weapons. The CIA’s favorite newspaper platform also in the same article sought to portray Iran in a new alliance with Russia and China implying that the latter was now helping Iran build a bomb.

This could be the ultimate reckless gamble by Washington and its Israeli proxy.

The Israelis are unhinged enough to launch airstrikes on Iran to purportedly take out alleged nuclear facilities. Israel has threatened to do so in the past. Even though Iran has repeatedly denied having any intention of building a nuclear weapon. And, in any case, so what if Iran did? Israel has an estimated 150 nuclear bombs, all obtained illegally.

The abominable genocide that is going on in Gaza and the West Bank is demonstrating the rank exposure of American imperialist crimes. The world can see more than ever the complicity of Washington in Israel’s war crimes. Not just complicity but full-on culpability.

In its desperation to divert global attention from its blood-soaked hands, Washington and its Israeli attack dog see one way out: to escalate the conflict with Iran.


Autor: thefreeonline

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