Houthis win missile battle as Maersk turns back US war supplies for Gaza.

fromthefreeonlineon 25 Jan 2024  bySupport SouthFront

The Houthis (Ansar Allah) replied after yet another illegal US bombing attack and announced late on January 24 that they damaged a United States warship and forced two American commercial vessels to retreat after a two-hour missile engagement in the Gulf of Aden and Bab al-Mandab Strait.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier currently stationed with its group off the coast of Yemen in the Red Sea .» A ‘sitting duck’ for a hypersonic missile»…Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups – January 23, 2024

The shipping company Maersk admitted both its ships attacked were carrying cargo belonging to the U.S. Department of Defense and other U.S. government agencies.

The Maersk Detroit: fled the Red sea carrying US arms after Houthi attack, 24/1/24

The company also announced that it had suspended the operations of U.S.-owned ships in the Red Sea and nearby waters.

“In solidarity with the Palestinian people and in response to the American-British aggression on our country, clashes occurred with a number of American destroyers and warships in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab al-Mandab Strait,” Houthi military spokesman Brigade General Yahya Saree said in a video statement.

The spokesman said that the engagement occurred while the ships were providing protection for two American commercial vessels and lasted for more than two hours.

“The US Navy has turned both ships around and is escorting them back to the Gulf of Aden,” a Maersk statement said, adding that “following the escalation of risk, MLL is suspending transits in the region until further notice.”

2 US-Flagged Ships with Cargo for US Defense Department Come Under … 1 day agoThe attacks on the container ships Maersk Detroit and Maersk Chesapeake further raise the stakes of the group’s ongoing attacks on shipping through the vital Bab el-Mandeb Strait. The U.S. and the …

Brig. Gen. Saree confirmed that Houthi missiles scored a direct hit on an American warship, forcing the two commercial vessels to “retreat from entering the Red Sea.”

He said that “a number of ballistic missiles of the group reached their targets, despite attempts to intercept them by warships, and the armed forces used several ballistic missiles in the engagement.”

U.S. BOMBS YEMEN, IRAQ TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL 23/1/24 A Houthi follower carries a mock missile as he shouts slogans during a demonstration

The spokesman added that the Houthis will “continue to prevent Israeli navigation or ships heading to the occupied Palestinian ports in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea until the cessation of aggression [by Israel] and lifting of the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

He also stressed that the group is “taking all necessary military measures within the legitimate right of defending our country, people and nation, targeting all American and British hostile targets in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.”

Shipping giant abandons Red Sea route amid Houthi crisis

The Danish shipping giant Maersk said that the M/V Maersk Detroit and another American-owned ship, the M/V Maersk Chesapeake, were attacked while transiting the Bab al-Mandab.

A few hours before the release of the statement, the U.S. Central Command said that the Houthis fired three anti-ship ballistic missiles at an American-owned container ship, the M/V Maersk Detroit. According to the command, two of the missiles were intercepted by U.S. warships, while the third missed its target.

Houthis Fire Missiles At U.S. Ship In Gulf Of Aden After Intense Strikes

The Iranian-backed Houthis began targeting ships linked to Israel in response to the war on Gaza last November. Earlier this month, they expanded their operations to include U.S.-owned vessels in response to attacks by the U.S. and allies on Yemen.

With no end in sight for the Israeli war in Gaza, the crisis in the Red Sea could soon escalate into a full-blown war between the U.S. and the Houthis.

However Ansarallah, the Houthi movement, resisted for 9 years a genocidal war by Saudi Arabia and the UAE , who had US support, arms and satellite tracking, but emerged stronger and with home developed drone and missile capacity.

Yemeni missiles force US navy to turn back from Bab al-Mandab Strait The Cradle 25/01/24

Now the UE are hastily assembling a coalition to attack a ‘joke fleet’ to attack the Houthis. Though somewhat supported by Iran they are a different Shia branch which also exists, though highly suppressed, in Saudi Arabia.

Its interesting to note that the Houthi drones are assembled for a few thousand dollars while those in the limited US arsenal cost hundreds of thousands each.


Houthis Fire Missiles At U.S. Ship In Gulf Of Aden After Intense Strikes

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