A tale of two Amazons: How the Amazon is being polluted by the same corporate profit-maximizing-at-all-costs ideology that the Amazon Corporation is polluting our social stability with in terms of worker and consumer rights

Steven Donziger newsletter March 9, 2024 “Tale of Two Amazons” You might remember that I have been fighting for three decades alongside Indigenous peoples to remediate massive pollution originally caused by Texaco in the Amazon between 1964 and 1992. It literally was and is the world’s worst oil contamination. Unlike the Exxon Valdez disaster in […]

A tale of two Amazons: How the Amazon is being polluted by the same corporate profit-maximizing-at-all-costs ideology that the Amazon Corporation is polluting our social stability with in terms of worker and consumer rights

Autor: thefreeonline

The Free is a book and a blog. Download free E/book ...”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read...

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