Our friend Abel, arrested on an anti-fascist police demo, now locked up in State Prisons for 3 years 9 moths.

Abel was awaiting the response of the Supreme Court on the appeal against 3 years and 9 months prison for a crime of injury aggravated by ‘hatred’.

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A moment of the protests against the Jusapol demonstration in Barcelona on November 10, 2018. AFTER WHICH ABEL WAS ARRESTED FOR ALLEGEDLY PUSHING A NAZI SUPPORTER DOWN STEPS. / Reuters

The origin of his case dates back to 2018, when after an anti-fascist demonstration against JUSAPOL, a Nazi wearing a t-shirt of Arjuna, a RAC (Rock Against Communism) music group, fell down the subway stairs of Urquinaona in Barcelona city.

Jusapol is a Spanish association formed by agents of the National Police Corps and the Civil Guard, direct successors of the Fascist Police.

Since then he has been facing a heavy prison sentence and paying compensation of more than 10,000 euros.

Throughout this process, which has lasted more than 5 years, from the Support Group we have pointed out the culprits of what is now the final sentence.

On the one hand, the far-right association of the National Police and Civil Guard called JUSAPOL, convenors of the event that in October 2018 intended to reward the bodies and security forces for attempted suppressing of the October 1 Independence Referendum. (Obviously the police were angry that a supporter was slightly injured after their violent demonstration)

On the other hand, as we pointed out to the Mossos d’Esquadra (local cops), the Prosecutor’s Office and the Judge in charge of orchestrating this case used the maximum force and all the tools at their disposal.

We highlighted the political persecution against the colleague for being identified in the police files as an anarchist, which is how the hate crime against the aggression against a fascist was justified according to the judicial system.

Finally, we highlight the role that Prosegur (the metro’s private security company) played in the trial to magnify the story that led to the colleague’s conviction. .

The prisons of the territory occupied by the Spanish State once again have another Anarchist prisoner, another prisoner for fighting, another prisoner who is added to the long list of those who are already there serving sentences around the world for not giving in to Power.

All this on the same day that the Congress of Deputies was voting on the Amnesty Law: a face wash to make invisible the true repressive nature of the State.

But the sadness we feel will not make us retreat, because we know better than anyone that the fight does not stop regardless of which side of the prison wall the system places you on.

Currently, Abel is kidnapped in the ‘C.P. de Brians’ Prison ( in Sant Esteve Sesrovires outside Barcelona) and we are working to cover the most immediate needs and take care of him and his surroundings.

For this reason, on Sunday June 9 at 11am we will march from Martorell Train Station to show him our support, show him that he is not alone and filter our warmth between the bars. We call for active solidarity, to break normality, to organize and coordinate the response.

We anticipate that on June 22, we will find them again in the streets, the reasons are beyond us, because the only language that the Power understands is that of conflict.

From today until the end, in every scream and every spark,

in every act and every action: A

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PRESS REPORT..from El DIA… EFE news agency

translation from Castilian https://www.eldia.es/nacional/2021/12/02/condenado-3-anos-9-meses-60256212.html

EFE Barcelona

A judge has sentenced a young pro-independence supporter to three years and nine months for attacking a man who was traveling in the Barcelona metro with a Spanish flag after participating, on November 10, 2018, in a Jusapol demonstration, and to compensate him with more than 9,000 euros.

Jusapol is a Spanish association formed by agents of the National Police Corps and the Civil Guard, direct successor of the Fascist Police..

The events occurred shortly before 2:00 p.m. that day, when the victim – who was not a police officer – was preparing to return home by subway after having participated in a demonstration by the Jusapol union association, and was attacked by the accused of displaying a Spanish flag and a cap.

In its ruling, to which Efe has had access through the law firm Aranda, Melgar & Tàsies, the criminal court number 2 of Barcelona considers it proven that Abel M.C, along with another person, who had participated in a demonstration On the contrary, they followed the victim to the Plaza Urquinaona metro stop with the «sole purpose of causing him bodily harm.»

«Once inside the facilities,» the magistrate maintains in his ruling, the accused’s partner waited until the man «was at the edge of the stairs, who was about to go down,» to give him a «strong push on his back.» the back», which caused him to «fall down the stairs until he hit the ground head-on».

As a result of the attack, the victim suffered several injuries that took 12 days to heal, of which he was incapacitated for working life for five, leaving him with moderate aesthetic damage valued at 8 points as a consequence.

In his sentencing, the judge considers that the accused acted motivated by his «animosity towards those» who display «symbols» such as shields or Spanish flags, as was the case of the attacked man.

The judge imposes a sentence of three years and nine months in prison – the public prosecutor had requested 4 years and 9 months in its final conclusions -, the prohibition of approaching the victim at a distance of less than a thousand meters from his person, home or place of work, and to communicate with him for a period of five years.

The judge also sentenced him to pay 550 euros for injuries and another 8,500 euros for the consequences, in addition to having to pay the legal costs.


El nostre company Abel es troba tancat a les presons de l’Estat.

original… – Des del dijous 30 de maig de 2024, un altre company anarquista es troba tancat a les presons de l’Estat.el diumenge 9 de juny a les 11h anirem en Marxa des de l’Estació de Renfe de Martorell per fer-li sentir el nostre suport

L’Abel estava a l’espera de la resposta del Tribunal Suprem sobre el recurs a una condemna de 3 anys i 9 mesos de presó per un delicte de lesions amb agreujant d’odi.

L’origen del seu cas es remunta al 2018, quan després d’una manifestació antifeixista contra JUSAPOL, un nazi que duia una samarreta d’Arjuna, un grup de música de RAC (Rock Against Comunism), va caure per les escales del metro d’Urquinaona. Des d’aleshores s’enfrontava a una forta pena de presó i a pagar una indemnització de més de 10.000 euros.

Durant tot aquest procés, que ha durat més de 5 anys, des del Grup de Suport hem assenyalat als culpables del que ja és la sentència ferma. Per una banda, a l’associació d’extrema dreta de Policia Nacional i Guàrdia Civil anomenada JUSAPOL, convocants de l’acte que l’octubre del 2018 pretenia premiar als cossos i forces de seguretat per reprimir l’1 d’Octubre.

Per altra banda, assenyalem als Mossos d’Esquadra, la Fiscalia i la Jutgessa encarregats d’orquestrar aquesta causa utilitzant amb la màxima contundència totes les eines que tenen al seu abast. Destaquem entre les utilitzades, la persecució política contra el company pel fet de ser identificat en els fitxers policials com anarquista, motiu pel qual es justifica segons l’aparell judicial el delicte d’odi contra l’agressió a un feixista.

Finalment, destaquem el paper que Prosegur (l’empresa de seguretat privada del metro) ha tingut en el judici per magnificar el relat que ha portat a la condemna del company. Les presons del territori ocupat per l’Estat espanyol compten un cop més amb un altre pres Anarquista, un altre pres per lluitar, un altre pres que s’afegeix a la llarga llista dels que ja s’hi troben complint condemna arreu del món per no claudicar enfront del Poder.

Tot això el mateix dia que es votava al congrés dels diputats la Llei d’Amnistia: un rentat de cara per invisibilitzar el veritable caràcter repressiu de l’Estat.

Però la tristesa que sentim no ens farà retrocedir, perquè sabem millor que ningú que la lluita no s’atura malgrat el costat del mur en què et situï el sistema. Actualment, l’Abel es troba segrestat al C.P. de Brians (Sant Esteve Sesrovires) i treballem per poder cobrir les necessitats més immediates i cuidar d’ell i del seu entorn.

Per això, el diumenge 9 de juny a les 11h anirem en Marxa des de l’Estació de Renfe de Martorell per fer-li sentir el nostre suport, demostrar-li que no està sol i filtrar el nostre caliu entre les reixes. Fem una crida a la solidaritat activa, a trencar la normalitat, a organitzar i coordinar la resposta.

Per això, anticipem que el 22 de juny, en tornarem a trobar als carrers, perquè ens sobren els motius, perquè l’únic llenguatge que entén el Poder és el del conflicte.

Des d’avui i fins al final, en cada crit i cada espurna,

en cada acte i cada acció: A


Autor: thefreeonline

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