Trailer + Reviews: .. Protocol 7 … Riveting Truth Quest about the Deadly Mumps Vaccine.

from thefreeonline 27/6/24 by Jeremy K at Rotten Tomatoes – (The Free on Telegram:

127,330 views… Based on real-life events, comes the corporate thriller, Protocol 7. Alexis Koprowski, a devoted mother and small-town family lawyer, Adrian Jay, a renegade doctor exiled from the medical profession, and Steve Schilling, a virologist at a prominent vaccine laboratory turned corporate whistleblower, work together to hold a large pharmaceutical corporation accountable for allegedly fraudulent test results behind a failing mumps vaccine. Protocol 7 takes us behind the corporate curtain, exposing a chain of command that devolves responsibility, prioritizes profits over people, and fosters an amoral mindset of “just following orders.”

Drama,Mystery & Thriller

Directed By: Andrew Wakefield

In Theaters: since May 31, 2024

Protocol 7 is a riveting film to watch in the genre of corporate spy thriller and whistleblower stories. It spotlights a real life case of corruption where Merck & Co. management pushed scientists to manipulate data as it was developing the MMR (Mumps, Measles and Rubella) vaccine.

The acting in the film was excellent. Rachel Whittle really stands out in the lead role of a lawyer who takes on Big Pharma at the same time that she has to deal with the fall out of the MMR vaccine among her adopted son who develops autism. I would urge people to go out and see the film and then look into the legal case against Merck.

They can also read the memoir written by Andy Wakefield, the film’s director, who was persecuted by the medical establishment because he participated in medical studies whose conclusions the vaccine manufacturers did not like.

Tracy S

Jun 26, 2024

Protocol 7 is a groundbreaking movie based on a true story that bravely tackles one of the most contentious issues of our time: the MMR vaccine. From the opening scene, the film grips the audience with its compelling narrative, expertly weaving together personal stories, expert testimonies, and meticulously researched data to present a comprehensive examination of the MMR vaccine’s history and impact.

The filmmakers have done an exceptional job of maintaining a balanced perspective, allowing viewers to hear from both proponents and critics of the vaccine. This approach not only adds credibility to the movie but also ensures that it resonates with a broad audience. The interviews with medical professionals, researchers, and affected families are particularly powerful, offering a human face to the statistics and scientific findings. One of the standout elements of «Protocol 7» is its unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth. The investigative rigor and dedication to journalistic integrity shine through, resulting in a movie that is as enlightening as it is thought-provoking. It challenges viewers to think critically about the information presented and encourages an open dialogue about public health and personal choice. «Protocol 7» is more than just a movie; it’s a call to action. It empowers viewers with knowledge and inspires them to seek the truth about the MMR vaccine. Whether you are well-versed in the topic or new to the debate, this film is a must-watch. It stands as a testament to the power of documentary filmmaking to inform, influence, and ignite change.

Peter M

Jun 25, 2024

Gripping narrative demonstrating how excessive childhood vaccination turned a normal adopted baby boy from Africa into an autistic child and the draining family dynamics as the mother goes up against powerful Merck executives as they committed scientific fraud in representing their failed mumps vaccine. Multiple studies demonstrate the best way to avoid the catastrophic consequences of autism in a healthy baby is to «go natural» and defer on all routine childhood vaccines.

Mary H

Jun 25, 2024

Protocol 7 has suspense, pathos, terror and joy. It’s a wild ride with outstanding acting and treating a subject critical to every person in the US and likely the world. Definitely a must-see film!

Stefanie H

Jun 20, 2024

This is a must see for everyone. Very well done movie that is engaging and tugs at the heart. What a great way to tell the truth, and engage the audience. Hopefully everyone will go see this, and then look into this industry with the skepticism it deserves.


Jun 17, 2024

Enjoyed this documentary. Would recommend as it is an eye opener

Suzanne H

Jun 17, 2024

Great insights into the potentials of big pharma and the corruption that may go on behind the scenes. A must see

Emma G

Jun 16, 2024

One of the most insightful movies of your lifetime! A powerful true whistleblower’s story & about a mother’s journey w her Autistic son injured from the MMR who goes head to head w big pharma. I personally have worked alongside practitioners whose patients have been injured or died after vaccines. Story after story and yet never in the mainstream. Every person should see this movie and begin unpacking all the things we have been told that they are “safe” & “effective”

Mary Katherine N

Jun 12, 2024

Very well done and informative. My children are in their 20s now; I wish I had known about this controversy before they were born; I would have done things differently. It makes sense to me with what I witnessed with my own kids and the changes I see in the classroom. I can’t imagine what it is like for families today. This film is a must see for everyone.

Vox P

Jun 10, 2024

Very engrossing and disturbing because of it’s accuracy. Vindication for those who don’t want to get jabbed just because MSM, Big Pharma, government, and corporate medicine says to.

Jun 10, 2024

This is a MUST see for everyone. No matter what side of the fence you are on this is an eye opener. This is one of those special movies that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions and literally had the audience clapping and cheering in the middle of the movie. So beautifully done, GO SEE IT!!

Tiffany B

Jun 5, 2024

This movie will make you laugh, make you cry, make you angry, and you will cry tears of joy. The actors were incredible. The pain between the husband and wife is so strong. The warrior mama stands above the rest. I forgot halfway through that is is true story. You get answers at the end…..

Jessica T

Jun 5, 2024

This film is very eye opening to the Big pHARMa problem in this country.

Mary L

Jun 5, 2024

This is such an informative and provocative movie! I feel everyone needs to see this to learn the inside workings of the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies charged with oversight to keep us safe.

Riley L

Jun 4, 2024

Wow! This movie is the type of moviewe nee to expose the evil and corruption that happens in that world. It is an absolute must see!

Kyle S

Jun 4, 2024

An eye-opening must-see movie. The lead, Rachel Whittle was absolutely amazing!

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