Yemen’s Houthis ‘Strike Israeli Merchant Vessel’/’Widen attacks to Cape Route’/ ‘Test Hypersonic Missiles’

from thefreeonline on 16th March 2024 info South Front/

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The Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen announced on March 15 that they had struck an Israeli merchant vessel and targeted a warship of the US Navy in the Red Sea.

In a statement, the Houthi military spokesman, Brigade General Yahya Sarea, said that the group targeted the Israeli-owned “Pacific 01” vessel with a number of “suitable naval missiles” and launched several suicide drones at a U.S. Navy warship.

Earlier, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), a detachment of the Royal Navy, reported two attacks against vessels in the Red Sea.

Ansarallah say 34 Yemenis have been killed so far by the illegal US bombing reprisals, while they admit the deaths of two crew members of a ship breaking the blockade, which has been extensively reported in Western media.

One of the shops was struck at least one missile , with ‘damage reported’ but was not abandoned and no crew were killed. This may have been the Pacific 01 named in the Houthi report. The British still confirm attacks but now withheld the names and origins of the vessels.

Are the Houthis Being Punished for ‘Doing the Right Thing’? – new attacks hit Brit and US ships

The U.S. Central Command also said that the Houthis fired four anti-ship ballistic missiles at the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, but didn’t report any losses.

The Houthis have been attacking Israel-affiliated vessels and others owned by the United States and the UK in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since last November in response to the Israeli war and siege against the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

The spokesman said that the Houthis have already carried out attacks against three Israeli and U.S. vessels in the Indian Ocean, without providing any details.

In an address aired by the group’s al-Masirah TV on March 14, the leader of the Houthis claimed that his forces have already begun carrying out maritime operations in the Indian Ocean to target ships “connected to Israel.”

Al-Houthi asserted that the group has struck 73 vessels thus far in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Gulf of Aden using missiles and drones, noting that 34 Houthi fighters were killed in strikes carried out by the U.S. and the United Kingdom.

“We are moving to prevent the crossing of ships linked to the Israeli enemy, even those passing through the Indian Ocean and from South Africa toward the Cape of Good Hope,” al-Houthi said, warning, “Our operations this time reached unprecedented wide scope, and three of our operations reached the Indian Ocean.”

The U.S. and the UK carried out hundreds of strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen in recent months. However, the group’s attacks are increasing and its military capabilities appear to be growing.

Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV, which is run by the Houthis, reported five “American-British strikes” on al-Hodeidah. One of the strikes hit the airport, while others struck sites in the area of al-Jah in the district of Bayt al-Faqih. No casualties were reported by the news channel.

The US leaders could effectively stop Israel and end the Gaza/Yemen/ WestBank/Lebanon war with one phone call ending US weapons and bankrolling of the Palestinian genocide.

info via South Front/


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