Shame! Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors Were BRIBED to force lethal COVID Shots

from thefreeonline on MAY 14, 2024 at THE VIGILANT FOX |

World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures about the immense earnings doctors received for pushing the COVID-19 injections.

On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.

This revelation was discovered through a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document.

Dr. McCullough explained that a full-time primary care physician typically manages a patient panel ranging from about 1,000 to 2,000 people covered by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield.

When you do the math, factoring in the $250 incentive, 1,000 newly vaccinated people times $250 = $250,000. Some doctors made less; some made more. But the point is that doctors were financially incentivized to inject as many patients as possible.

Not only that.. hospitals were paid millions for «Covid deaths».

The question is, was Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield giving doctors jab incentives, or were they being paid to do so by the government?

Take a listen to what Dr. McCullough thinks.

Watch the full interview.

Watch the full interview.


    Dr. Peter McCullough – 10/27/2021 – Phoenix AZOctober 31, 2021

    Tucker Carlson interviews Dr. Peter McCullough on suppression of early treatment of COVID in favor of “vaccines”May 14, 2021


    May 12, 2024 – Posted by aletho | Corruption, Timeless or most popular, Video | COVID-19 Vaccine, United States

    Autor: thefreeonline

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