‘Essentially the current avian influenza «crisis» is a ploy for mass vaccination of animals and humans’- Dr. McCullough

This will engage farmers financially and greatly overstate the extent of the current outbreak with massive numbers of false positive PCR tests.

from thefreeonline on 9th June 2024 by @P_McCulloughMD .,.

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We Are Way Ahead of the Government Bird Flu Narrative at the Moment Dr. McCullough with historian John Leake.

We subsequently have found that farmers will get payment for mass PCR testing of animals and for culling or intentional killing of poultry and disposal.

This will engage farmers financially and greatly overstate the extent of the current outbreak with massive numbers of false positive PCR tests.

Government strategy will never give a chance for natural bird immunity to the current strain which most likely has its proximal origins at the @USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, GA. US FDA and @CSL poised for human vaccination for avian influenza with the antigen based vaccine for starters.

Self-replicating mRNA products from @CSL @BARDA and @gatesfoundation

@CEPIvaccines Essentially the current avian influenza «crisis» is a ploy for mass vaccination of animals and humans.

Autor: thefreeonline

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