Terrorist USA is now Delivering new B61-12 Thermonuclear Bombs to Europe- Compatible with old F16 Fighter Bombers now being Donated to Ukraine-

from thefreeonline on 11th June info: Antibellum / . NEW on Telegram t.methefreeonline

The US is undergoing large-scale recapitalisation of its nuclear deterrent capability, with warheads central in this process: five warhead programmes are under way, two of which are in production and in-service phases.

The one in production and delivery are the B61-12 air-launched gravity thermonuclear bombs, which are replacing four older, in-service B61 variants; (According to a (DoE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) annual report.. 2023-12-04)

In reality it is Boeing and others putting old warheads in new casings with fancy programmable potency.

Currently, F-16 fighters of Belgium and the Netherlands as well as US F-15E fighters deployed at European military bases, are designated as aircraft for carrying nuclear bombs.

In addition Pentagon contract documents that confirmed that the US Air Force

intends to return the “nuclear mission” to RAF Lakenheath in the UK, possibly to give NATO the option to redistribute its nuclear weapons in times of heightened tensions, or to potentially move them out of Turkey in the future .

Without permission, the US places 2 more Nuclear Missile Destroyers, making Spain Russia’s biggest target.The Arleigh Burke is one of the newest US «ICBM destroyers». Based at the NATO base in Rota, south of Spain, they make Spain a target for destruction in the first minutes of a Nuclear War, as they are a threat to thousands of Russian warheads that must be fired immediately due to the US First Strike Policy.

Poland and the Baltic countries have asked NATO to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in their territories, and countries including Germany and Italy have called for expanding the authority to use tactical nuclear weapons deployed in Europe to ‘support the region’s defense capacity building’.

Combined with the lack of transparency around nuclear sharing, this moment raises questions about whether citizens in the host states would agree to be complicit when these weapons are used.

However when used it will be already too late for us to demonstrate or complain, as Russia will have no choice but to unleash a Nuclear Response. Firing just one of their new hypersonic unstoppable 200 ton Russian Sarmat-2 missiles (known as Satan-2) would release a dozen 750,000 tons (kilotons) of tnt each warheads, destroying all of Poland and its people in less than 5 minutes.

Followed by destruction of the whole planet. Really! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-28_Sarmat

A successful test of Satan-2 in April 2022 «saw the RS-28 traverse roughly 3700 miles in 20 minutes—equating to an average speed of Mach 14.5, or over three miles per second».

 Even if the bombs stay American and the US terrorists retain launch authority, they will most likely be dropped by hysterical warmongering Europeans. If the US decides to use its nuclear weapons located in Germany, the warheads will be loaded onto German planes and a German pilot drops them.

The US recently certified   their F35A fighters stationed in European bases to carry the new ‘programmable’ B61-12 nukes now being delivered to German. Belgian, Dutch, Italian and soon British US military bases.

Over the next few years, assuming no Nuclear War, the new B61–12 will replace all the earlier legacy versions of the B61 bombs currently deployed in Europe and the new ones will be integrated onto US- and allied-operational tactical aircraft (Kristensen 2023b).

The Belgian, Dutch, German, and Italian air forces are currently assigned an active nuclear strike role with US nuclear weapons, and their generals , all old men, are delighted. The United States was initially expected to produce approximately 480 of these new. B61–12 bombs.

About 100 of the older B16 nukes are deployed at six bases in five European countries: Aviano and Ghedi in Italy; Büchel in Germany; Incirlik in Turkey; Kleine Brogel in Belgium; and Volkel in the Netherlands. Belgium and the Netherlands still use F16s for their older B16 US nukes but are committed to buy the F-35 jets.

Of course the US needs desperately to sell their unbelievably expensive and hopelessly unreliable F-35s. (see F-35s to cost $2 trillion as Pentagon….) But in reality the new B61-12 Nuclear bombs can be dropped from various other planes, even the old F-16s now finally arriving in Ukraine to attack Russia. You can dial up the destructive power of these nukes to 60,000 tons of TNT equivalent, but the actual bombs are rather small.. see photos.

It is not excluded that, in addition to their deployment in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, the American B61 12 nuclear bombs will also be deployed in Poland – a country whose air force has participated for years in the nuclear war maneuvers organized by NATO – as well as in other Eastern European countries.

The nuclear compatible F16 fighters now arriving in Ukraine are designated as actual nuclear bombers in the Russian protocol, since they are easily capable and and Russia cannot know if they are armed or not. The Russian president has declared on various occasions that they will be destroyed by all means possible.

The newly upgraded B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb was …

Meanwhile NATO proxy states are now lining up to formally allow the ‘DEEP STRIKES’ into Russia and Ukraine is obviously losing the land war. Two Nuclear warning Radar stations hundreds of kms into Russia have been attacked and damaged, clearly with expert NATO help.

This is what you would do as a prelude to a surprise US ‘decapitation’ Nuclear War Attack. Stern Russian warnings of a nuclear catastrophe barely make it into the Western media as the final Red Lines are crossed.

The F16s now finally arriving are touted as the next ‘Wonder Weapon’. However they cannot easily even land or take off from the remaining short or improvised Ukrainian military airfields, which anyway are constantly monitored and bombed by Russia, and will have to be based underground or more likely safely out of the country, probably in Poland, which of course is another US NATO proxy.

Furthermore the F16 is by all accounts very complex to operate and maintain, everything is in English, and the newly trained pilots will need NATO instructors, or in practice the jets will have to be flown by hired experienced mercenaries. Money is no object.

In addition all targeting and operation needs to be managed by NATO experts and run by US personnel, veterans of the slaughter in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Gaza etc.

The F16 attacks will rely on integrated US drone, satellite and starlink systems, likely from NATO bases in Poland and Germany, and linking via their underground bunkers in Ukraine.

This is another new and perilous escalation for Russian defenders as they really need to eliminate the «Ukrainian controlled» F16s as a blatant Nuclear threat and probably based in NATO states, but without sparking a Nuclear War.

In practice this probably means ignoring the nuclear threat, redoubling bomb, missile and EW attacks against all possible airbases and bunkers, as well as physically battling any old F16s they can find with the latest Russian fighters.


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