Police Continue Harassment and Repression as Tent Protest Enters Week Four in Boise, Idaho — It’s Going Down


Report on continuing police harassment and repression of ongoing tent protests in Boise, Idaho. Today marks 4 weeks of ongoing protest across from the Capitol building in so-called Boise, Idaho.

The state and city continue to prove their insistence on criminalizing poverty and doing all they can to crush resistance. Another raid occurred, with tons

Police Continue Harassment and Repression as Tent Protest Enters Week Four in Boise, Idaho — It’s Going Down


of state troopers stealing people’s warming property, but this time also stole tents and sign making materials. They also arrested one of the protest participants who sleeps outside, citing him for ‘disorderly conduct’ during the raid. He arrived back at the protest and found they had taken everything he had, and they still have not returned it.

They ticketed some and said at the next raid they will be giving out citations to anyone who has private property that looks to be camping gear (blankets, sleeping bags, heaters, etc), as camping is “prohibited” in the injunction that was filed for the space 10 years ago.

Despite the raid spirits remained high as people and community, once again, came together to clean up the mess the police made and replace survival items. Folks who had previously left the space due to feeling unsafe because of police harassment began returning…….. continues

Police Continue Harassment and Repression as Tent Protest Enters Week Four in Boise, Idaho — It’s Going Down

Autor: thefreeonline

The Free is a book and a blog. Download free E/book ...”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read...

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