Houthi Victories: US/ UK Terrorists Lost Another Ship + a $20mn Reaper Drone + now have sub-aqua drones…

from thefreeonline

The captain reported an “explosion in close proximity of the vessel ” all crew members were evacuated and the ship abandoned.

Houthis deploy underwater drone for first time – Pentagon

The Yemeni rebel group has reportedly expanded its arsenal after promising to meet Western “escalation with escalation”

The Yemeni Houthis continue their successful operations in the Red Sea in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people. In the last 24 hours alone, Ansar Allah has announced several successful operations against foreign forces in the region.

The Houthis attacked the British ship Rubymar in the Gulf of Aden. As a result of the strikes by two anti-ship missiles, the ship was heavily damaged and may sink.

Since the beginning of the Israeli military operation in Gaza, the Yemen government (Houthis) have hit multiple Israeli-bound, US and UK vessels sailing the Red Sea. In solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, the Houthis vowed to attack any ships they find to be linked to Israel until the siege of Gaza stops.

The Houthis have also announced the deaths if at least 17 more citizens killed by the US/UK air attacks. Nobody has died in the Houthi attacks so far.

They extended their attacks to US/UK ships after their bombing of Yemen began, and may extend it to EU ships after the ill considered EU Maritime Campaign begins, due already on 19th Feb 2024

British-registered ship abandoned amid fears it will sink after Houthi double strike in Gulf

Embry ship security company has confirmed serious damage, claiming that ways of towing it were being considered. The crew has reportedly safely left the ship.

‘Catastrophic’ attack on British ship leaves it at risk of sinking ..The successful Yemeni campaign to help Gaza by blocking Israeli/US/UK ships through the Red Sea has vanished from the headlines of the US dominated media. But it is still working, pressurizing Israel and its Western backers by costing them billions of dollars..

In 2022, this ship was involved in the “grain deal”, in the framework of which it participated in the transportation of Ukrainian agricultural products.

Crew abandon Rubymar cargo ship after Houthi rebel missile attack …

General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper – Wikipedia The average unit cost of an MQ-9 is estimated at $30 million in 2022 dollars.

At night, Houthi forces shot down an American MQ-9 Reaper attack drone, as reported in an official statement. The video above reportedly shows the downing of the US drone.

Video Player . Downing of $30 million US Drone video doesn’t work on wordpress.. but really you can just see a light and a lot of cheering in Houthi

This is the second U.S. loss of this type of drone in the Middle East in 2024. LINK

Earlier, the Houthis used an underwater drone for the first time in the Red Sea. The deployment of underwater drones in service with the Houthis is a great threat to foreign ships in the Red Sea. LINK

The US and British military operation against Yemeni forces did not lead to the stated goal. Foreign intervention did not secure navigation in the Red Sea, but only escalated the threat, primarily to Western ships; but the West cannot retreat.

Thus, the European Union announced its decision to launch its own naval operation against the Yemeni Houthis in the Red Sea. The goals of this operation are the same, the result is likely to be the same too.

‘Inspired’ by Washington and London, the EU will also bear the costs of the operation, and ships of European states will be exposed to numerous threats when trying to pass through the Gulf of Aden.

The Houthis actually managed to block one of the main sea routes on the planet.


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Yemen’s Houthi rebels have attempted to use a submersible drone for the first time, but it was destroyed in yet another wave of US-led coalition attacks over the weekend, the US Central Command has claimed.

The US Navy conducted a series of five strikes, hitting three Houthi cruise missiles, an unmanned surface vessel (USV), and one unmanned underwater vessel (UUV) on Saturday, CENTCOM announced on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday.

“This is the first observed Houthi employment of a UUV since attacks began in Oct. 23,” the US military wrote, claiming it presented an “imminent threat” to US Navy ships and commercial vessels in the area.

Since the beginning of the Israeli military operation in Gaza, the Houthi militants, who are in control of a large portion of Yemen, have harassed multiple vessels sailing the Red Sea. In solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, the Houthis vowed to attack any ships they find to be linked to Israel until the siege of Gaza stops.

READ MORE: US targeted Iranian warship with cyberattack – NBC

In response, the US launched an international maritime coalition to patrol the Red Sea called ‘Prosperity Guardian’, with the stated goal of protecting shipping lanes.

Since mid-January, the US and UK have carried out air- and sea-launched attacks against “multiple underground storage facilities, command and control, missile systems, UAV storage and operations sites, radars, and helicopters” in Yemen in an attempt to “degrade Houthi capabilities” to attack military vessels and merchant ships.

The Houthis vowed to “meet escalation with escalation” and expanded their list of potential targets to include US- and UK-owned merchant vessels.

While no Houthi missiles have hit a US Navy vessel thus far, the group has launched scores of missiles and drones against the US-led coalition ships in the Red Sea.

READ MORE: US-UK attacks in Yemen ‘illegal’ – Russian security chief

The attacks on Suez Canal freight – a route which normally accounts for around 15% of the world’s commercial shipping – have forced major companies to avoid the Red Sea altogether and sail around the coast of Africa, facing increased costs and spiking insurance premiums.

Autor: thefreeonline

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