Haifa Port part blockaded/ Hamas resistance blocks Israeli plans/ICJ orders Israel to stop Offensive/ as Gaza genocide continues.

from thefreeonline on 24th May 2024 by South Front

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In four separate statements released on May 23, the IRI said it struck two “vital targets” in the southernmost Israeli city of Eilat, a military target in the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the port of the city of Haifa in northern Israel. The attacks were carried out ‘in response to Israel’s “massacres” against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip’…

In another statement released on May 24, the group announced a second attack on Haifa port.Videos released by the group showed the launch of two Arqab cruise missiles and a Shahed-101 suicide drone at Haifa port as well as the launch of another Shahed-101 at Eilat and the launch of a Shahed-131 suicide drone at the Golan Heights.

Haifa, the main Israeli port, is now partly blockaded by IRI and Hesbollah, while the southern port of Eilat is practically closed by the successful Houthi campaign.

Meanwhile in Gaza

Humanitarian operations in the Gaza Strip are on the brink of total collapse since Israel closed the key Rafah crossing and the threat of famine has become real, as only 100 humanitarian aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip since May 6..

Clashes continued in the east of Jabalia in Gaza and in the south of Rafah City; Palestinian groups attacked Israeli forces east of Rafah with mortar shells; Sirens sounded in Kerem Shalom; Israeli warplanes attacked Gaza City; Israeli warplanes attacked Rafah City; More than 35,709 Palestinians were killed and more than 79,7990 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health;

Another Ship Attacked In Red Sea After Series Of U.S. Strikes On Houthis In Yemen

A merchant vessel reportedly came under attack in the Red Sea a day after the United States launched strikes against the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen.

Fighter jets of the “American-British coalition” carried out on May 22 six strikes on the airport of the western Yemeni port city of al-HodeidahAl-Masirah TV reported .The strikes were not apparently enough to stop the Houthis. The United Kingdom (UKMTO), said on May 23 that it had received a report of a Houthi attack 98 nautical miles south of al-Hodeidah, and a merchant vessel had undergone what it described as “missile attack” 68 miles south.

Houthi Victories: US/ UK Terrorists Lost Another Ship + a $20mn Reaper Drone + now have sub-aqua drones…

The Houthi, who are backed by Iran, have attacked dozens of vessels affiliated with Israel or owned by the United States and the UK in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean since last November against Israeli, US and British linked ships in response to the Israeli genocide on Palestinians trapped in the Gaza Strip.

In addition, the Houthis (Ansarallah Movement) has launched dozens of drones and missiles, closing the southernmost Israeli port of Eilat and shot down five U.S. combat drones over Yemen and nearby waters.

Hamas Confirms Capture Of Colonel Hamimi. Bodies of 3 Israelis killed on Oct 7th retrieved

On May 23, Hamas confirmed that it is holding Colonel Asaf Hamami, 41, captured on October 7, who the IDF had previously reported was killed in the attacks that day. The group’s military wing, the Izz Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, revealed that Hamami had been wounded during his capture.

The bodies of 3 men recovered were all killed in the October 7 Hamas-led surprise attack from Gaza, according to new “reliable intelligence”.

Israel’s 75 year long IMPUNITY is finally falling apart

The days of Israeli privilege and impunity may be coming to a close, one way or another.The western protest occupations continue despite heavy police attacks and arrests.

The recent ICC application for arrest warrants against Netanyahu (and Hamas leaders who replied that armed resistance to occupation is allowed in International Law) shows that even those backed by Washington can’t get away with everything. The ICC prosecution may force signatory countries to stop supporting Israel.

3 more countries, Ireland, Spain and Norway announced recognition of a Palestinian State bringing the total to recognition as a sovereign state to 143 UN members and half of the G20 group, including China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, and Türkiye.

Russia announced it continues its recognition dating from the USSR support of Palestine as a country in 1988.

Then finally today the ICJ (International Court of Justice) weighed in, ordering Israel to STOP its Rafah offensive in line with its previous rulings.

Although the ICJ cannot force anything the move caused apoplexy in Israel, celebrations in Palestine and fresh demands for the US to stop its huge free arms shipments fueling the genocide. see more.. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/24/world-reacts-icj-order-for-israel-to-stop-rafah-offensive-gaza

Autor: thefreeonline

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