Eviction Case dropped after 2000 strong demo in Iruñea/Pamplona for re-Squatted ‘Gaztxe Maravillas’ (Marvels Youth Center)

 Maravillas is a tool to move towards the social, radical and complete transformation of our lives. That is why defending spaces like Maravillas is to defend all the projects and people that fight every day for a just world …

The occupied self run center in the Palace of the Marquis of Rozalejo of Pamplona, ​​20 yrs abandoned and occupied eleven months before,  was violently evicted in the middle of the night by the Navarra Govt despite widespread local support. see videos..

see also: Maravillas Occupied Center in Pamplona Evicted in Night Battle

Then 2 days later it was resquatted by the same collective who prepared to resist again ‘tooth and nail’.

The Assembly of ‘Gaztetxe Maravillas’, strongly anarcha feminist, demanded that the Government of Navarre «paralyze the eviction process» of the building and «withdraw the complaint against the accused persons» .

The festive march last Saturday was supported by many collectives and local people. Thousands of people have joined the protest led by a banner reading «Wonders Herriantzat» (Wonders for the People) and a second slogan that «is not a gaztetxe, but a way to understand the world» .

Maravillas is the center of a ‘Pamplona Spring’ with all kinds of creative activities taking off. The organisation is assembly  based without leaders. Continuar leyendo «Eviction Case dropped after 2000 strong demo in Iruñea/Pamplona for re-Squatted ‘Gaztxe Maravillas’ (Marvels Youth Center)»

July 21st 2018: Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair

shared via freedomnews.org.At Augustine’s Chuch,  41 George IV Bridge

The Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair is an all-day event open to everybody, not just anarchists or feminists. We want to provide an open, and welcoming point for people of all genders to learn more about both anarchism and feminism, as well for as folks organising on the ground to explore ideas in-depth together, work through concepts and reach concrete plans.

Image result for July 21st: Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair

The bookfair will start at 10:30 and run until 18:00 on Saturday the 21st of July, 2018. As well as space for stalls from publishers, book shops, zine makers and grassroots organising campaigns we’ll be hosting workshops and talks throughout the day on a wide range of issues, from abortion rights to mutual aid, social reproduction theory to housing, sex work to community accountability.

There’ll even be a practical session on vehicle maintenance for women and non-binary folk if we can find somewhere to park!

After the books have been cleared away and the workshops are over it’s time to party and celebrate. We have a cracking after party lined-up and more to add soon!

To help with accessibility, we’ve arranged for a free, professional crèche. See our Childcare page for more details if this is something you’re interested in.

How can I get involved?

If you’d like to help organise the bookfair, fundraise, or host a stall, talk or workshop, email us using the form below or at eafb@riseup.net. We’re particularly looking for folk to help with publicity in the run up to the event and to help with logisitics on the day.

Who are we?

We are a group of anarchist feminists who have come together to organise an anarchist feminist bookfair in Edinburgh in the summer of 2018. Some of us are already members of other groups you may be supportive of, like Sisters Uncut, Edinburgh Action for Trans Health, or AK Press; others are not part of any group.

The group has successfully raised funds for a professionally run crèche and will have food on hand to help with accessibility., email eafb@riseup.net to find out more.
Website | Twitter


August 4th 2018: Dorset Radical Bookfair

11am-6pm at Beufort Community Centre, Beaufort RdImage result for August 4th: Dorset Radical Bookfair

Including such wonders as books, stalls, food, meetings, a kids’ area, zines, films, talks and a safe space policy. “We welcome rational debate, we don’t welcome attention-seekers, bigots, fascists, grasses and scabs.”
Plus an afterparty at the Riviera Bar with live music and reggae DJ ’til 2am, £5 suggested donation.

September 8th 2018: Bradford Anarchist/Radical Bookfair

11am-11pm at the 1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion St, BD1 2LY

Rebel Cat along with Aardvark Production Collective are organising the first anarchist/radical bookfair in Bradford since 2014. A smaller affair as it’s a new collective, it will nevertheless include stalls, films and hopefully some speakers/workshops. Get in touch with Rebel Cat Events for more info.

October 13th2018: Rhyddical Swansea Bookfair

Central Swansea, details tbc

Only recently announced and not many details yet
Event page.

November 17th 2018: Nottingham Radical Bookfair

11am-4.30pm at Nottingham Mechanics Institute, 3 North Sherwood St

Nottingham’s second radical bookfair, organised by Five Leaves Bookshop, featuring stalls by national and local publishers, second-hand booksellers and a full supporting programme throughout the day. Image result for December 1st Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair

December 1st 2018: Manchester & Salford Anarchist Bookfair

at Partisan Collective, 19 Cheetham Hill Road

The collective has now confirmed it will be back in the same venue to see in the Christmas period. For enquiries, email manchester@bookfair.org.uk.
Facebook page.

The ‘Manarchy’ debate: Fighting ingrained Sexism.

Our article in INFOSHOP from a few weeks ago entitled, “Stick It To The Manarchy” generated a lot of response and enthusiasm. We have a response to the criticism, clarifying a few points along with our analysis of the dialogue..click .HERE.   Our criticism of manarchy and its implications is our way of contributing to the dialogue. Competitive, aggressive, elitist, and exclusive behavior is contrary to our understanding of anarchist ideals and practice. “Manarchy” is the term we use to describe this behavior because it exemplifies traditional male gender roles. [1] A 2013 global study on homicide by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime found that males accounted for about 96 percent of all homicide perpetrators worldwide.

the original post.

Stick it to the Manarchy

By The Rock Bloc Collective

Manarchy: Aggressive, competitive behavior within the Anarchist movement that is frighteningly reminiscent of historically oppressive male gender roles. Such behavior includes acting macho, holier than thou and elitist. Manarchy often results in exclusivity.

We feel obliged to share our discomfort with manarchy as it presents itself in the Anarchist movement. We are excited and inspired by the development and practice of Anarchist ideals, and we must remain critical of our movement in an effort to maximize our effectiveness. Anarchism and direct action are powerful forces, yet we are still susceptible to taking on some of the oppressive cultural practices of the very system we are challenging.

We are two women and two men, all white and coming from economically privileged backgrounds. We are Anarchists. We support direct action and the Black Bloc as a tactic for empowerment. In this article we focus on what has been coined “manarchy.” We intend to explain and criticize manarchist behavior by running through a series of experiences that we have had at mass actions, conferences, and in our day-to-day organizing.Most insidious is the dogmatism of ‘no compromise’ that is often accompanied with a macho spirit that assumes a ‘tougher than thou’ attitude toward dominant culture as well as allies in the movement. Continuar leyendo «The ‘Manarchy’ debate: Fighting ingrained Sexism.»

Anarchists in the Catalan Struggle “Without Feminism There Will Be No Revolution”

The #Barcelona Interview Series – Oca Gracia: “Without a Feminist Perspective There Will Be No Revolution”

This the first interview of our „Barcelona Interview Series“. On November 17, 2017, we spoke with anarchist comrades Jordi and Maria (both names changed) of the Oca Gracia collective in Barcelona, about the so-called Catalan process.

  • What were the main reasons for you to get involved, if you are involved, in the process of the independence movement?

Maria: The independence movement has a long history in Catalonia. The thing is… for so many years the idea of independence was linked with leaving the Spanish state. To break with the fascist characteristics of the Spanish state. It was mostly linked with leftwing ideas. In 2011 the conservative party Convergència i Unió (CiU) started to put independence as an important point on their agenda. As something attractive to get votes. The independence issue started to get mainstream.

For us the thing of being kind of involved in this, is mostly to get back to those original ideas. We are involved because we think it’s powerful to use this phase in which Catalonia is leaving (Spain) to promote ideas like breaking the power of the state, empowering people to self-organization and to bring-in anarchist ideas; like questioning the law, questioning what is legitimate and what is legal. This is something that a lot of people are questioning nowadays. We like to promote these ideas. Not the idea of creating a new republic, a new capitalistic state, but the idea of breaking Spain. Breaking the big political and economic force that Spain is and all the fascist ideals it has held for so many years. Continuar leyendo «Anarchists in the Catalan Struggle “Without Feminism There Will Be No Revolution”»