Haiti: ‘Living Together’ militia alliance Resists US imposed Transitional Council and the delayed Kenyan military police

from thefreeonline on June 18 2024 info via Dan Cohen at Uncaptured.Media

Jimmy Chérizier, Barbeque, the leader of the ‘Living Together’ militia alliance

Who’s behind Haiti’s most powerful gang alliance?

Haiti has been undergoing a new crisis since 2018, including political assassinations and a gang turf war since 2023. On 1 March 2024, Haitian unelected prime minister Ariel Henry signed an agreement in Nairobi, Kenya attempting to allow the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers to Haiti.[9]

WATCH: As the U.S. organizes the next invasion of Haiti, Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier and Toto Alexandre discuss the birth of the Viv Ansanm (Living Together) alliance and resistance to U.S. imperialism..

*Jimmy Chérizier, the leader of the «G9 Family and Allies» faction in Port-au-Prince, released the above video announcing his successful intention to prevent Ariel Henry from returning to Haiti with the Policing Operation.

Events Timeline

*On 1 March, when asked if it was safe for him to return to Haiti, Henry shrugged.[10] Chérizier had the backing of other gangs as part of a coalition named «Viv Ansanm», Haitian Creole for «living together». Though that coalition was quick to dissolve, other gangs launched attacks, together with Chérizier’s G9 gang.[11]

*On 2 and 3 March, armed gangs stormed the two largest prisons in Haiti, one in Croix des Bouquets, the other in Port-au-Prince.[12]

*More than 4,700 inmates escaped.[10] Police were reported to be undermanned and outgunned by the gangs, with only 9,000 operating in Haiti at the time of the fighting.[13]

Jimmy Cherizier, alias Barbecue, who heads the gang coalitions opposing the US financed police invasion and the now ruling imposed «Transition Council»

Haitian police officers walk out of the international airport after a U.S. plane landed, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, April 23, 2024.

*The 400 Mawozo gang operates in the Croix-des-Bouquets area and has influence at its prison, according to Insight Crime.[14]

*Chérizier, who took responsibility for the surge in violence, said his goal was to capture Haitian government officials, including the police chief.[15] Over 12 people have been killed in the conflict.[12] The UN estimated that 15,000 people fled the violence in Port-au-Prince.[15]

*The Haitian government, under finance minister Michel Patrick Boisvert, declared a 72-hour state of emergency and a nighttime curfew in an attempt to curb the violence and chaos.[16]

*Chérizier claimed responsibility for the increase in attacks, and demanded Henry’s resignation, adding that the goal of the increase in attacks was to capture important government officials, including the police chief.[9]

*Many escaped gang leaders joined the attacks,[17] fueling speculation that a more lasting alliance between rival gangs in the Haitian gang wars was forming to overthrow the Haitian elite.[18]

*On 4 March, at around 1 p.m. local time, armed gangs attacked the heavily fortified Toussaint Louverture International Airport, exchanging gunfire with police and the Haitian Armed Forces, in an attempt to take control of the facility after rumors that Henry would return to Haiti.[19]

*Johnson André, the leader of the 5 Seconds gang, appeared to be linked to the attacks.[10]

*The attacks resulted in the closure of the airport and prevented Henry from entering the country.[20] Other rebellion leaders, including Guy Philippe, indicated that they would try to take over the presidency of Haiti.[21


*The Stade Sylvio Cator[22][23] and national bank[24] were attacked. Other public institutions, including schools and banks, were closed.[25]

*There was another reported jailbreak on 5 March, leading to the death of three inmates. Haitian police were able to stop attempts at escape.[26][27][better source needed]

*On 6 March, a police station in Bas-Peu-de-Chose was attacked and burned down by gangs.[28]

*On 7 March, the state of emergency in the Ouest Department, including a nightly curfew and bans on protests, was extended from three days to a month (3 April).[28]

*On 8 March, gangs attacked two police stations near the National Palace,[29] as well as the palace itself,[30] and burned down the interior ministry.[31]

In the picture, Haiti Oligarch, Grégory Brandt, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Franco-haïtienne : “Mes enfants ont étudié à l’étranger mais

*The security perimeter around Toussaint Louverture International Airport was breached by gangs, while gunfire was heard throughout Port-au-Prince.[32]

*On 9 March, the resistance attacked and occupied the headquarters of the Institute of Social Welfare in Port-au Prince, while the government of the Dominican Republic announced plans to evacuate its officials and citizens from Port-au-Prince.[33]

*On 21 March, one of the gang leaders, known only as Makandal, was killed by the bwa kale in Petion-Ville.[34]

*A day later, Ernst Julme, the leader of Delmas 95 who had escaped from prison earlier in the month, was killed by police in the same area. Julme’s death was described as a significant setback for Cherizier in his attempts to take over Port-au-Prince.[35][36]

*Henry became involved in a controversy due to his refusal to cooperate with the authorities regarding his connections with Joseph-Félix Badio, one of the suspects accused of orchestrating the assassination of Moïse.[15]

Officers who investigated the case suspected Henry was involved in planning the assassination.[16][17] On 11 March 2024, Henry announced that he would resign when a transitional presidential council was created,

*Delays and new court challenge threaten Kenya’s police …Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC)https://globalinitiative.net › Articles

*Kenya’s pause to Haiti deployment follows growing doubts ..Mar 12, 2024 — A Kenyan judge ruled in January that the government’s plan to send officers was unlawful absent a reciprocal agreement with the host country… (i.e. Imposed by the US)

*Kenyans welcome suspension of police mission to Haiti … – AfricanewsMar 13, 2024June 12, 2024. said Rose Wanjiku, a student. Under the plan, the U.N.-backed multi-national police led by Kenyan officers was to help quell gang …

*Delays and new court challenge threaten Kenya’s police ..May 24, 2024 — The planned arrival of Kenyan police officers in Haiti on May 23 was abruptly postponed without official explanation.

*Haiti: Imminent deployment of Kenya-led international police ..June 9 2024 — Kenya is required to lead this mission that was concluded in october 2023 by the United Nations Security Council with a troop of 1,000 policemen …

  • *President Ruto’s Corrupt Disaster Mission Kenyan police have faced criticism for using excessive and unnecessary force such as assaulting protesters. Critics accuse Kenyan leaders of corruption to okay the deal, as well as derision at claims the US organised Intervention Force will defeat the local militias, when previous interventions of up to 10,000 UN soldiers failed. Kenya will need the logistical, equipment and intelligence support promised by the US.

As new imposed Haiti leadership takes power, gangs demand a seat at the table

PORT-AU-PRINCE, April 29 – Haiti’s new transition council has chosen the country’s western imposed next president , but leaders of the gangs who have exerted increasing control are clamoring for political influence and amnesties and threatening violence if their demands are not met.

Police patrol the streets, near the presidential palace, as a transition council meant to usher in a new government, is set to be sworn in at the palace,

*After former Prime Minister Ariel Henry finally resigned when blocked by the militia alliance from landing at the airport, the Transition Council was formally installed, seen as a key step in re-establishing security after years of gang violence that has recently skyrocketed.

*Separately, Haiti’s national police said it received a shipment of equipment paid for by «Haiti’s government» and flown in by U.S. authorities.

*The council is formed of seven voting members and two non-voting observers, including politicians, a businessman and a pastor.

*The regional Caribbean Community (CARICOM) of 15 English speaking states under EU and US ‘control’, led the drafting of the council’s make-up forbade gang members or those who were subject to international sanctions from joining.

«We continue the fight for the transformation of our country,» former central bank governor Fritz Alphonse Jean, one of the council members, said on X.

*Kraze Barye forms part of a loose coalition of militias known as Viv Ansanm, or «Live Together,» who now control most of capital Port-au-Prince.

*Equipped with weapons trafficked largely from the United States, the «gangs» have for years tightened their grip on their sectrions of the capital and sought to topple Henry. Since henry pledged to resign last month, they have called for a broader «revolution».

*Leader Jimmy «Barbeque» Cherizier warned members of the transition council to «brace» themselves.

*The voting members of the imposed Transitional Council government are former central bank governor Fritz Alphonse Jean, former ambassador to the Dominican Republic Smith Augustin, barrister Emmanuel Vertilaire, former senate president Edgard Leblanc, ex-senator Louis Gerald Gilles, businessman Laurent Saint-Cyr and Leslie Voltaire, a former diplomat.The non-voting observers are evangelical pastor Frinel Joseph and Regine Abraham, who once worked for the World Bank.

A Message for Haiti’s “Barbecue” Cherizier: Be Like Malcolm X

Haiti on Fire, Part II

avatarBy Ron DanielsMarch 31, 2024 at Vantage Point Vignettes (edited)

Barbecue claims to be interested in rescuing the nation from a parasitical elite and corrupt politicians.

How Port-au-Prince’s united: Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier and Toto Alexandre reject US financed invasion by Kenyan police

He recently threatened “civil war” if the current illegitimate Prime Minister Ariel Henry didn’t not resign. Henry is presently stuck in Puerto Rico Under pressure, he agreed to resign when the Transition Council was installed.

When I first read about the mysterious Barbecue, he was quoting Malcolm X. Apparently, he also fancies himself a modern-day Black Robin Hood, attacking the elite in defense of Haiti’s impoverished masses.

Haiti is on fire and Barbecue’s G-9 militia constitutes an existential threat to the current plan and process by the US controlled Montana Accord Movement and its allies, the Haitian oligarchs.

In a recent article in Reuters, University of Virginia Haiti politics expert Robert Fatton said even if there really is a different kind of government as they claim, “the reality is that you need to talk to the gangs.”

Professor Fatton concluded: “If they have that supremacy, and there is no countervailing force, it’s no longer a question if you want them at the table,” he said. “They may just take the table.” That’s not good. There must be a way out of this dilemma.

Perhaps, there is hope in the Malcolm X side of Barbecue’s persona. Malcolm never committed the kind of atrocities that Barbecue is accused of committing. But, as Alex Haley claims in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, “He rose from a hoodlum, thief, dope peddler, pimp… to become the most dynamic leader of the Black Revolution.”

My message to Barbecue is, in the spirit of Malcolm X, stop terrorizing the people and start defending the people; stop destroying neighborhoods and communities and start building and preserving them; become a true liberator by directing your militia to feed, cloth, educate and provide healthcare for the people like the Black Panther Party did in the era of the 60’s in the U.S. They were inspired by Malcolm.

There are likely institutions and leaders in Haiti, beginning with the faith community, that are willing to extend a hand to encourage you and your allies to engage in a process of truth and reconciliation to heal the wounds of the first Black Republic …

The ultimate outcome could be an exchange of guns for jobs and social economic benefits which your transformed organization could dispense. It’s that “swords into ploughshares” thing.

Be like Malcolm and become an agent for liberation and development or become a pariah, a social outcast whose legacy will be death and destruction heaped on your own people. The choice is yours!


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