Bolsonaro invites indigenous to ‘abandon miserable life’, to Mine and Ranch the Amazon, under New Law

photo..Amazon: A gold mine swallowed their village. This tribe is here to take it back

Brazil’s Bolsonaro says bill to open indigenous reserves to mining, agriculture ready

partly by Cecilia Jamasmie , shared with thanks

Bolsonaro has vowed to assimilate the country’s 800,000 indigenous people — less than 1% of the total population — into Brazilian society.

«The Brazilian president has called on native communities to be included in society, alluding that they have been unfairly forced to live apart in misery.» That is, stop being yourself; some lazy, lousy and miserable savages, and become citizens of the society of capitalism.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro says bill to open indigenous reserves to mining, agriculture ready

(Image: Katiabraga | Pixabay.)

Bolsonaro says it, but this racist, ethnocentric, simplifying and energetically false vision of this type of societies has many people disagreeing and the bill will hopefully have big problems in Congress in February.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Thursday that a controversial bill allowing mining, agriculture and cattle farms on protected indigenous reserves was ready to be sent to Congress for consideration.

Bolsonaro again claimed indigenous culture, which has cared for the Amazon for millenia, is mere superstition and that they are kept in poverty and forced to be separate and invited them to integrate, ranch cattle and mine the disappearing forest.

This follows his UN intervention in the same vein, which drew the following reaction.. «Bolsonaro’s speech is outrageous, undemocratic, racist, and deeply violent against the indigenous peoples of Brazil and the great indigenous leader Raoni, internationally recognized for his contribution to the preservation of the Amazon.

Today, the Amazon continues to burn and may soon reach an unrecoverable tipping point due to Bolsonaro’s complicity with environmental crime. Shall we now stand by as violence explodes against Brazil’s indigenous peoples, while their territories are looted and destroyed? Bolsonaro must be held responsible for the destruction of the Amazon and the brutalizing of indigenous peoples underway in Brazil today».

The former Army captain, who took office in January, said the proposed rule is nothing but “good news” for the country’s original population.  “They will be able to do on their lands everything that farmers do,” the right-wing leader said, according to Brazil. “It’s the Indian’s Golden Law.”

The proposed rule would have to be approved by Congress, which goes on recess on Friday and resumes functions in February

Bolsonaro’s racist attacks on indigenous people and the environment in general have caused a plague of murders and land seizures. This has isolated him internationally but drawn praise from Donald Trump. Germany and Norway froze millions of dollars in aid to the Amazon over his policies in August, and French President Emmanuel Macron threatened to pull out of a long-sought trade deal between Europe and South America..

In September, a group of 200 investment funds called on companies to reduce their reliance on deforestation, saying Brazil’s policies were exposing businesses to compliance risk. Several companies have called for boycotts of Brazilian beef and leather.

Despite the pressure, Bolsonaro —  who recently shrugged off a government report that deforestation in the Amazon reached an 11-year high on his watch — continues to make controversial climate denial and racist statements.

Climate scientists say opening up the Amazon for greater development could make it impossible for Latin America’s largest nation to meet its reduced emissions targets in the coming years.

Brewing conflicts

Other issues conservationists are worried about include Bolsonaro’s criticism of the country’s environmental agencies for blocking or taking too long to approve mining and energy projects. He has promised to reduce the wait time to license small hydroelectric plants to a maximum of three months, rather than the decade it can sometimes take.

Then there are the over 400 brewing disputes involving mining companies, quilombos (communities made up of the ancestors of runaway slaves) and other indigenous peoples.

Brewing disputes between miners and Brazil's indigenous people.
Source: Latentes.

Latentes, a journalistic project to map conflict areas in Brazil, has found that from the 428 potential conflicts detected in the country, 245 are located on reserves. The rest involve traditional bondservant communities, as Brazil was the West’s last nation to abolish slavery.

Companies operating and exploring in Brazil are mainly after iron ore (the country is the world’s top producer of the steel-making ingredient) and gold, though the nation also holds large reserves of bauxite, manganese, potash and zinc. It’s also Latin America’s No. 1 oil producer.

Bolsonaro’s latest speech invited the indigenous communities to «be included in society.. and abandon their miserable life».

Several tribes have claimed that they are suffering more attacks and invasions of their land by lumberjacks, miners and farmers because of Bolsonaro’s claims.


Famous Quotations from Jair Bolsonaro

On wiping out the “Indians”

“Pena que a cavalaria brasileira não tenha sido tão eficiente quanto a americana, que exterminou os índios”

“It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry hasn’t been as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated the Indians.” Correio Braziliense newspaper, April 12, 1998

On indigenous people as an obstacle to mining & agribusiness

“Não tem terra indígena onde não têm minerais. Ouro, estanho e magnésio estão nessas terras, especialmente na Amazônia, a área mais rica do mundo. Não entro nessa balela de defender terra pra índio”

“There is no indigenous territory where there aren’t minerals. Gold, tin and magnesium are in these lands, especially in the Amazon, the richest area in the world. I’m not getting into this nonsense of defending land for Indians”

On forcibly integrating indigenous people

“Vamos integrá-los à sociedade. Como o Exército faz um trabalho maravilhoso tocante a isso, incorporando índios, tá certo, às Forças Armadas”

“We are going to integrate them into society. Just like the army which did a great job of this, incorporating the Indians into the armed forces.”

En Castellano..

Bolsonaro dice que ya está lista la ley que permite explotar las reservas indígenas de Brasil

Viernes.20 de diciembre de 2019 0 visitas Sin comentarios Invita a las comunidades indígenas a «incluirse en la sociedad» y abandonar su mísera vida.

«El presidente brasileño ha hecho un llamamiento a las comunidades nativas para que se incluyan en la sociedad, aludiendo que se les ha obligado injustamente a vivir separados en la miseria.» Es decir, dejen de ser ustedes mismos; unos vagos, piojosos y míseros salvajes, y conviértanse en ciudadanos de la sociedad del capitalismo. Lo dice Bolsonaro, pero esta visión racista, etnocéntrica, simplificadora y emientemente falsa en relación a este tipo de sociedades la tiene mucha gente, y no toda de derecha. Nota de Tortuga.

Jair Bolsonaro is actively trying to devastate the Amazon rainforest

El proyecto será enviado al Congreso para su aprobación. El presidente ha hecho un llamamiento a las comunidades nativas para que se incluyan en la sociedad y ha asegurado se les debería permitir esta práctica, hasta ahora prohibida.

Fire rages in the Amazon rainforest in the Brazilian state of Rondonina

europa press

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, ha anunciado este jueves que el proyecto de ley que permite explotar reservas indígenas protegidas ya está listo y será enviado al Congreso para su aprobación.

Bolsonaro ha asegurado que también se debería permitir a los indígenas explotar sus reservas, una práctica que estaba prohibida hasta el momento, y que las poblaciones nativas deberían involucrarse igualmente en la expansión de la producción cárnica.

El presidente brasileño ha hecho un llamamiento a las comunidades nativas para que se incluyan en la sociedad, aludiendo que se les ha obligado injustamente a vivir separados en la miseria. «Los indígenas podrán hacer en su tierra todo lo que hace un agricultor», ha destacado.

Sin embargo, varias tribus han asegurado que están sufriendo más ataques e invasiones de sus tierras por parte de leñadores, mineros y agricultores por las afirmaciones de Bolsonaro.


Record surge in Amazon fires: Our House Is Burning Down!

Record surge in Amazon fires: Our House Is Burning Down!

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Indigenous peoples to Bolsonaro: «We Refuse to be Treated as Inferior beings»

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