US/UK fleet Fails again as Houthi missiles hit their Ships to protest Gaza Genocide .. killing nobody.

from thefreeonline on 13th February 2024

The successful Yemeni campaign to help Gaza by blocking Israeli/US/UK ships through the Red Sea has vanished from the headlines of the US dominated media. But it is still working, pressurizing Israel and its Western backers by costing them billions of dollars.

Attempts are also being made to twist and suppress news of the campaign..e.g. In the latest attacks UK sources refused to name or tell the owner of a US ship, that was hit without victims by Houthi missiles.

Scant mention is made of damage and deaths caused by the ongoing US/UK reprisals blitz on Yemen, one of the poorest and famine hit countries on Earth, and no mention at all of the fact that the accurate Houthi missiles have so far killed NONE at all of the semi slave crews of these ships.

In the last two attacks yesterday the we find no claim that any of the home made Houthi missiles, some of which hit the ships, have been intercepted by the huge US/UK fleet, air force and satellites, which include the latest Spanish based NATO anti-missile ships and the Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier groupings.

More Ships Came Under Houthi Fire In Red Sea.. 12 /2/24

by South Front

On February 12, there was a new round of escalation in the Red Sea. The Yemeni armed forces reported an attack on the US ship Star Iris. The ship was reportedly hit by Houthi anti-ship missiles.

The Maersk Detroit: fled the Red sea carrying US arms after Houthi attack, 24/1/24Houthis win missile battle as Maersk turns back US war supplies for Gaza.

According to Yahya Sare’e, the military spokesman of the Houthis, the Yemeni Navy struck the American ship Star Iris with several anti—ship missiles in the Red Sea. He added that the strikes “were accurate and direct”.

Are the Houthis Being Punished for ‘Doing the Right Thing’? – new attacks hit Brit and US ships!

Ansar Allah warned that such operations will continue until the aggression against the Palestinian people stops and the blockade of the Palestinian enclave is lifted. They strikes will also be held in response to the US-British aggression against Yemen.

The report reads:

“In vindication of the oppressed Palestinian people, in support and solidarity with our brothers in the Gaza Strip, and as a retaliation to the American-British aggression on our country.

The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces targeted the American ship “Star Iris” in the Red Sea with a number of suitable naval missiles, and the strikes were accurate and direct

Tanker on fire for hours after attack by Houthis in Gulf of Aden: Jan 27, 2024

The Yemeni Armed Forces, in response to their religious, moral and humanitarian duty, will continue to implement the decision to prevent Israeli navigation or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the Red and Arab Seas until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

They will not hesitate to carry out more operations in retaliation to The Zionist crimes against our brothers in the Gaza Strip, as well as in response to the ongoing American-British aggression against our dear country.”

The Star Iris vessel is a bulk carrier and sails under the flag of the Marshall Islands. About two days ago, it was reported that it was in the Red Sea.

Earlier on February 12, the Office of Maritime Trade Operations of the United Kingdom (UKMTO) reported another attack on a ship off the coast of Yemen.

According to the department, the incident occurred 70 km south of the port city of Al-Mukha. The captain of the ship reported that two missiles were fired at the ship. None of the crew members were injured, the ship is heading to port. The UKMTO did not specify the name of the vessel.

The UKMTO urged the crews of other ships to stay caustious when navigating off the coast of Yemen and to inform about any suspicious activity.

Second Star Bulk ship attacked in a week as Houthis resume campaign.. still no deaths reported but hundreds of Houthis killed in US/UK reprisal bombings.!View

The Houthis have targeted dozens of Israel-affiliated vessels and others owned by the U.S. and the UK using missiles and drones since November 19 in response to the ongoing Israeli war and siege on Gaza, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 26,000 Palestinians.

The U.S. and the UK retaliated by carrying out dozens of strikes on Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen in recent weeks. However, the group remains undeterred.

Houthis strike new Israel bound ship after hit on US bulk carrier- LNG and oil now blocked -ISRAELI CEASEFIRE WOULD END BLOCKADE

Houthis claim FOUR ‘direct hits’ on US ships in 4 days! Demand END to US backed and funded Gaza Genocide

What Does ‘Rules-Based International Order’ Mean When US Can Bomb Yemen at Will? – The Free

U.S. revenge Bombings murdered over 30 pro-Palestinian Fighters and Civilians already in Iraq and Syria

2 US-Flagged Ships with Cargo for US Defense Department Come Under …

U.S. Says Recent Strikes On Yemen Destroyed Two Suicide Boats, Three Anti-Ship Missiles

USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall flee Red Sea despite US naval blockade 

Military Situation In Yemen On February 11, 2024 (Map Update)

Houthis Say 17 Fighters Were Killed In Recent ‘American-British’ Strikes On Yemen

US says ‘not at war’ with Houthis; Biden ad­mits strikes not halt­ing at­tacks


Be­yond the Red Sea: Who are the Houthis up against in­side Yemen?Their at­tacks on Red Sea ships have brought them glob­al at­ten­tion. But with­in Yemen, the Houthis aren’t the force.Published On 18 Jan 202418 Jan 2024Secretary of State Antony Blinken listens as he meets with Rashad Al-Alimi, second from left, Yemen Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council Monday, Sept. 18, 2023, in New York, U.S. Craig Ruttle/Pool via REUTERS

What the des­ig­na­tion of ‘ter­ror­ist’ means for Yemen’s HouthisEx­perts say that Biden’s re-des­ig­na­tion of the Houthis as a ter­ror­ist group is un­like­ly to curb Red Sea at­tacks.PublishedOn 18 Jan 202418 Jan 2024

Experts say that Biden's redesignation of the Houthis is unlikely to curb Red Sea attacks.

Biden ‘play­ing with fire’ by re-des­ig­nat­ing Yemen’s Houthis as ‘ter­ror­ists’Ad­vo­cates say la­belling Houthis a ‘glob­al ter­ror­ist group’ risks wors­en­ing al­ready dire hu­man­i­tar­i­an cri­sis in Yemen.Published On 17 Jan 2024

Houthi drone hits yet more UK and US owned ships in Red Sea – AP- 6th Feb

6th Feb 2024 Despite the US/UK fleet pounding Yemen yet another British and a US-owned vessel have been hit by Houthi drones off the coast of Yemen in the Red Sea, again with zero deaths, says the UK’s Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) service and a security firm.

Soon after the attack, a spokesman for the Houthi group, Brig. General Yahya Saree, released a statement claiming that the militants have attacked two separate vessels in the Red Sea, an American ship called the Morning Tide and and the ‘Star Nasia’ , a Marshall Islandsflagged British ship. 

The Star Nasia is confirmed as British owned, but had tried to appear Chinese to avoid Houthi attacks

The firm Furadino Shipping, which owns the Morning Tide, has told AP that their ship was indeed attacked but noted that no one was hurt in the incident

Adding more fuel to the fire, the IDF has continued its relentless assault on Palestinians living in Gaza resulting in scores of new deaths and injuries.

Autor: thefreeonline

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