Collectives and Groups opposing Machismo in Liberated Zones: Counter-Communiqué

stop machismo

original en castellano abajo.

Due to events that have been occurring in the Iberian Occupied Social Centres for some time we feel morally obliged to write this informative text. We are fed up with sexist and condescending, complicity and hetero speeches. We believe that feminism is a cornerstone on which to base the Commons and everyday politics and in occupied social centers, and that sexism is not  just the ego of a group of people who refuse to recognize its dynamic in their ‘machirulo’ speeches but also a structural system that we need to question, analyze and oppose every day. (note: ‘machirulo in this context seems like ´laddish male bonding that relishes machismo’) These facts only serve to confuse people and do a disservice to the world of punk, hardcore and music linked to social movements.

Let’s speak clearly: We believe  ( Occupied Self-Managed Social Centres), assemblies, collective groups and comrades should take a position against gender violence from thousands of possible fronts, and that includes exposing socially for public knowledge and collective scrutiny such ‘ anarkopunkarras’ groups  as Penetrazión Sorpressa (note. ‘Surprise Penetration’.. refers to rape while being deniable). Continuar leyendo «Collectives and Groups opposing Machismo in Liberated Zones: Counter-Communiqué»